Dr. Tomas Ryan
Associate Professor, Biochemistry
Associate Professor, Trinity Inst. of Neurosciences (TCIN)
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
O'Sullivan FM, Ryan TJ, If Engrams Are the Answer, What Is the Question?, Engrams: A Window into the Memory Trace, 2024, p273-302
Chapman DP, Sarah Power, Stefano Vicini, Ryan TJ, Burns MP, Amnesia after Repeated Head Impact Is Caused by Impaired Synaptic Plasticity in the Memory Engram., Journal of Neuroscience, 2024, pe1560232024
Clara Ortega-de San Luis, Maurizio Pezzoli, Esteban Urrieta, Tomás J. Ryan, Engram cell connectivity as a mechanism for information encoding and memory function, Current Biology, 33, (24), 2023, p5368-5380.e5
Sarah D. Power, Erika Stewart, Louisa G. Zielke, Eric P. Byrne, Aaron Douglas, Clara Ortega-de San Luis, Lydia Lynch, Tomás J. Ryan, Immune activation state modulates infant engram expression across development, Science Advances, 9, (45), 2023
James D. O'Leary, Rasmus Bruckner, Livia Autore, Tomás Ryan, Natural forgetting is modulated by experience, eLife, 2023
Autore L, O'Leary JD, Ortega-de San Luis C, Ryan TJ, Adaptive expression of engrams by retroactive interference., Cell Reports, 42, (8), 2023, p112999
Ryan TJ, Frankland PW, Forgetting as a form of adaptive engram cell plasticity., Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2022
Donato F, Ryan TJ, Framing the future of neuroscience in a time of great upheaval: Introducing a series of essays by the scholars of the FENS-Kavli network., European Journal of Neuroscience, 2022
O'Leary T, Hauser TU, Ryan TJ, Rezaval C, FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence: Science needs strong European cohesion., European journal of neuroscience, 2022
La Terra D, Ann-Sofie Bjerre, Marius Rosier, Masuda R, Ryan TJ, Lucy Palmer, The role of higher-order thalamus during learning and correct performance in goal-directed behavior. , eLife, 11, 2022
Ortega-de San Luis C, Ryan TJ, Understanding the physical basis of memory: Molecular mechanisms of the engram., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2022
Ryan TJ, Ortega-de San Luis C, Pezzoli M, Sen S, Engram cell connectivity: an evolving substrate for information storage., Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 2021
Memory and Instinct as a Continuum of Information Storage in, editor(s)David Poeppel, George R. Mangun, Michael S. Gazzaniga , The Cognitive Neurosciences (Sixth Edition), MIT Press, 2020, [Ryan. T.J.]
Antoine Harel, Tomás J Ryan, The memory toolbox: how genetic manipulations and cellular imaging are transforming our understanding of learned information, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 32, 2020, p136--147
Autore L, Ryan TJ, Memory: It's Not a Lie if You Believe It., Current Biology, 2020
Pignatelli, M. and Ryan, T.J. and Roy, D.S. and Lovett, C. and Smith, L.M. and Muralidhar, S. and Tonegawa, S., Engram Cell Excitability State Determines the Efficacy of Memory Retrieval, Neuron, 101, (2), 2019, p274-284.e5
McKay, S. and Ryan, T.J. and McQueen, J. and Indersmitten, T. and Marwick, K.F.M. and Hasel, P. and Kopanitsa, M.V. and Baxter, P.S. and Martel, M.-A. and Kind, P.C. and Wyllie, D.J.A. and O'Dell, T.J. and Grant, S.G.N. and Hardingham, G.E. and Komiyama, N.H., The Developmental Shift of NMDA Receptor Composition Proceeds Independently of GluN2 Subunit-Specific GluN2 C-Terminal Sequences, Cell Reports, 25, (4), 2018, p841-851.e4
Ortega-de San Luis, C. and Ryan, T.J., United states of amnesia: rescuing memory loss from diverse conditions, Disease Models and Mechanisms, 11, (5), 2018
Queenan BN, Ryan TJ, Gazzaniga MS, Gallistel CR, On the research of time past: the hunt for the substrate of memory., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2017
McQueen J, Ryan TJ, McKay S, Marwick K, Baxter P, Carpanini SM, Wishart TM, Gillingwater TH, Manson JC, Wyllie DJA, Grant SGN, McColl BW, Hardingham GE, Pro-death NMDA receptor signaling is promoted by the GluN2B C-terminus independently of Dapk1., eLife, 2017
Frank RA, Komiyama NH, Ryan TJ, Zhu F, O'Dell TJ, Grant SG., NMDA receptors are selectively partitioned into complexes and supercomplexes during synapse maturation., Nature Communications, 7, 2016, p11264
Poo MM, Pignatelli M, Ryan TJ, Tonegawa S, Bonhoeffer T, Martin KC, Rudenko A, Tsai LH, Tsien RW, Fishell G, Mullins C, Gonçalves JT, Shtrahman M, Johnston ST, Gage FH, Dan Y, Long J, Buzsáki G, Stevens C., What is memory? The present state of the engram., BMC Biology, 14, 2016, p40
Ryan TJ, Tonegawa S., Rehebbilitating Memory., Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 41, (1), 2016, p370-371
Tonegawa S, Pignatelli M, Roy DS, Ryan TJ., Memory engram storage and retrieval., Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 35, 2015, p101-109
Ryan, T.J. and Roy, D.S. and Pignatelli, M. and Arons, A. and Tonegawa, S., Engram cells retain memory under retrograde amnesia, Science, 348, (6238), 2015, p1007-1013
Ramirez, S., Liu, X., Lin, P.-A., Suh, J., Pignatelli, M., Redondo, R.L., Ryan, T.J., Tonegawa, S., Creating a false memory in the hippocampus, Science, 341, (6144), 2013, p387-391
Ryan, T.J., Kopanitsa, M.V., Indersmitten, T., Nithianantharajah, J., Afinowi, N.O., Pettit, C., Stanford, L.E., Sprengel, R., Saksida, L.M., Bussey, T.J., O'Dell, T.J., Grant, S.G.N., Komiyama, N.H., Evolution of GluN2A/B cytoplasmic domains diversified vertebrate synaptic plasticity and behavior, Nature Neuroscience, 16, (1), 2013, p25-32
Martel, M.-A., Ryan, T., Bell, K., Fowler, J., McMahon, A., Al-Mubarak, B., Komiyama, N., Horsburgh, K., Kind, P., Grant, S., Wyllie, D., Hardingham, G., The Subtype of GluN2 C-terminal Domain Determines the Response to Excitotoxic Insults, Neuron, 74, (3), 2012, p543-556
Ryan, T.J., Grant, S.G.N., The origin and evolution of synapses, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 10, (10), 2009, p701-712
Ryan, T.J., Emes, R.D., Grant, S.G.N., Komiyama, N.H., Evolution of NMDA receptor cytoplasmic interaction domains: Implications for organisation of synaptic signalling complexes, BMC Neuroscience, 9, 2008
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Joaquin Matias Alfei Palloni, Ralph R. Miller, Tomás Ryan, and Gonzalo P. Urcelay, Rethinking Memory Impairments: Retrieval Failure, PsyArXiv Preprints, 2024, phttps://doi.org/10.31234/osf.i
Research Expertise
Reviewing Editor, eLife
Co-Organizer (with Prof. Timothy O'Leary (University of Cambridge), Prof. Tobias Hauser (Universiy College London), and Dr. Carolina Rezaval (University of Birmingham) of FENS Special Interest Event SiE04 - Strength through cohesion: protecting European neuroscience in a turbulent world, FENS Forum 2022, Paris, France. https://forum2022.fensforum.org/event/sie4-strength-through-cohesion-protecting-european-neuroscience-in-a-turbulent-world-1215-1315/
Speaker, Brain Innovation Days, Fast-tracking brain innovation in times of COVID-19, European Brain Council event, Brussels and online. https://live.eventtia.com/en/brain
Organizer of FENS Special Interest Event SiE15: Research Funding in Europe Post-COVID-19, FENS Virtual Forum 2020.
International Member of the US Society for Neuroscience (SFN)'s Government and Public Affairs Committee https://www.sfn.org/about/volunteer/committees/government-and-public-affairs-committee
Co-Editor (with Prof. Charan Ranganath, UC Davis) of Learning and Memory Section of 6th Edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences textbook (MIT Press, USA), published in 2020 https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262043250/the-cognitive-neurosciences/
Member of the FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) Program Committee, FENS Forum 2024, Vienna, Austria.
Past-Chair, FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence, European Union.
Chair, FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence, Europe Union.
Secretary, Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society, USA.
President Elect, Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society, USA.
President, Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society, USA.
Awards and Honours
Elected to Fellowship, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Scialog Fellow, Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA), USA
Lister Institute Research Prize, Lister Institute of Preventative Medicine, UK
CIFAR-Azrieli Global Scholar, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Canada
FENS-Kavli Scholar, FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence, European Union
Early Career Researcher of the Year Award, Science Foundation Ireland, Ireland
European Research Council (ERC) Staring Grant, European Union
President of Ireland Young Researcher Award (PIYRA), Science Foundation Ireland, Ireland
Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship
Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA), National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia (declined)
Junior Research Fellowship, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, UK
Wellcome Trust PhD Studentship (4 years)
Society for Neuroscience, USA
Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society (MCCS), USA
Neuroscience Ireland
FENS-Kavli Alumni
FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and Kavli Foundation)
Eastern Psychological Association (EPA), USA
British Neuroscience Association (BNA), UK