Dr. Andrei Budanov
Ussher Assistant Professor, Biochemistry
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Haidurov A and Budanov AV., Sestrin family - the stem controlling healthy ageing, Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 192, (111379), 2020, p10
Irina E. Kovaleva, Artem V. Tokarchuk, Andrei O. Zheltukhin, Alexandra A. Dalina, Grigoriy Safronov, Aleksandra G. Evstafieva, Konstantin G. Lyamzaev,, Peter M. Chumakov2, and Andrei V. Budanov1,2*, Mitochondrial localization of SESN2, PLOS One, 15, (4), 2020, pe0226862-
Segalés J, Perdiguero E, Serrano AL, Sousa-Victor P, Ortet L, Jardi M, Budanov A, Garcia-Prat L, Sandri M, Thomson D, Karin M, Lee JH, and Munoz-Canoves P., Sestrin prevents muscle atrophy from disuse and aging by integrating anabolic and catabolic signals., Nature Communications, 11, (1), 2020, p189-
Kovaleva IE, Tokarchuk AV, Zheltukhin AO, Dalina AA, Lyamzaev KG, Haidurov A, Chumakov PM, and Budanov AV, Mitochondrial Localization and Function of SESN2, FASEBJ, Experimental Biology 2020, San Diego, April 4-7, 2020, 33, 2020
Ding B, Haidurov A, Chawla A, Parmigiani A, Kamp G, Dalina A, Yuan F, Lee JH, Chumakov PM, Grossman SR, and Budanov AV., p53-inducible SESTRINs might play opposite roles in the regulation of early and late stages of lung carcinogenesis., Oncotarget, 10, (65), 2019, p6997 - 7009
Budanov A, Dalina A, Kovaleva I, Haidurovs A, Tokarchuk A, Zheltukhin A., Sestrins regulate respiration and cell death through interaction with mitochondria., FEBS Open Bio, The 44th FEBS Congress, Krakow, Poland, July 6-11, 2019, 9, 2019, pp144 - 145
Budanov A, Evstafieva A, Dalina A, Kovaleva I, Zheltukhin A, Chumakov P, Taylor J., Sestrin2 protects against cell death in response to DNA-damaging drugs through regulation of ROS and mitochondrial function., FEBS Open Bio, FEBS 2018, Prague, Czech Republic, July 7-12, 2018, 8, (342), 2018, pp10-149-T-
Evstafieva AG, Kovaleva IE, Shoshinova MS, Budanov AV, and Chumakov PM., Implication of KRT16, FAM129A and HKDC1 genes as ATF4 regulated components of the integrated stress response., PLOS one, 13, (2), 2018, pe0191107-
Zeltukhin AO, Ilyinskaya GV, Budanov AV, and Chumakov PM., Some Phenotypic Characteristics of Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Strains with Defective Functions of the Sestrin (cSesn) gene., Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 11, (2), 2018, p759 - 767
Budanov AV, Ding B, Parmigiani A, Chumakov PM, Lee JH, Chawla A, Grossman S., Sestrin2 supports lung tumor growth in early stages of cancer development in mice but might play a tumor suppressive role in the late stages of carcinogenesis., FASEB Journal, Experimental Biology 2018, San Diego, April 21-25, 32, (1), 2018, ppS Lb150-
Dalina AA, Kovaleva IE, and Budanov AV., Sestrins are Gatekeepers in the Way from Stress to Aging and Disease., Molecular Biology, 52, (6), 2018, p823 - 835
Zhao B, Shah P, Qiang L, He TC, Budanov A, He YY, Distinct Role of Sesn2 in Response to UVB-Induced DNA Damage and UVA-Induced Oxidative Stress in Melanocytes., Photochemistry and photobiology, 93, (1), 2017, p375 - 381
Oricchio E, Katanayeva N, Donaldson MC, Sungalee S, Pasion JP, Béguelin W, Battistello E, Sanghvi VR, Jiang M, Jiang Y, Teater M, Parmigiani A, Budanov AV, Chan FC, Shah SP, Kridel R, Melnick AM, Ciriello G, Wendel HG., Genetic and epigenetic inactivation of SESTRIN1 controls mTORC1 and response to EZH2 inhibition in follicular lymphoma., Science Translational Medicine, 9, (396), 2017, peaak9969-
Sensing the Environment Through Sestrins: Implications for Cellular Metabolism. in, editor(s)Kwan W. Jeon and Lorenzo Galluzzi , International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology, Elsevier, 2016, pp1 - 24, [Parmigiani A, Budanov AV]
Tsilioni I, Filippidis AS, Kerenidi T, Budanov AV, Zarogiannis SG, Gourgoulianis KI, Sestrin-2 is significantly increased in malignant pleural effusions due to lung cancer and is potentially secreted by pleural mesothelial cells., Clinical Biochemistry, 49, (9), 2016, p726 - 728
Ding B, Parmigiani A, Divakaruni AS, Archer K, Murphy AN, Budanov AV, Sestrin2 is induced by glucose starvation via the unfolded protein response and protects cells from non-canonical necroptotic cell death., Scientific Reports, 6, (22538), 2016, p14
Budanov AV, SESTRINs regulate mTORC1 via RRAGs: The riddle of GATOR., Molecular & Cellular Oncology, 2, (3), 2015, p3
Morrison A, Chen L, Wang J, Zhang M, Yang H, Ma Y, Budanov A, Lee JH, Karin M, Li J, Sestrin2 promotes LKB1-mediated AMPK activation in the ischemic heart., FASEB Journal, 29, (2), 2015, p408 - 417
Ding B, Parmigiani A, Yang C, Budanov AV, Sestrin2 facilitates death receptor-induced apoptosis in lung adenocarcinoma cells through regulation of XIAP degradation., Cell Cycle, 14, (20), 2015, p3231 - 3241
Zhao, B; Shah, P ; Budanov, A ; Qiang, L ; Ming, M ; Aplin, A ; Sims, D ; He, Y, Sestrin2 positively regulates AKT signaling and survival in human squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma cells, JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY, Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Investigative-Dermatology, Atlanta, GA, MAY 06-09, 135, NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 75 VARICK ST, 9TH FLR, NEW YORK, NY 10013-1917 USA, 2015, ppS18 - S18
Parmigiani A, Nourbakhsh A, Ding B, Wang W, Kim YC, Akopiants K, Guan KL, Karin M, Budanov AV, Sestrins inhibit mTORC1 kinase activation through the GATOR complex., Cell Reports, 9, (4), 2014, p1281 - 1291
The role of tumor suppressor p53 in the antioxidant defense and metabolism. in, editor(s)Swati Palit Deb and Sumitra Deb , Mutant p53 and MDM2 in Cancer, Netherlands, Springer, 2014, pp337 - 358, [Budanov AV]
Zhao B, Shah P, Budanov AV, Qiang L, Ming M, Aplin A, Sims DM, He YY, Sestrin2 protein positively regulates AKT enzyme signaling and survival in human squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma cells., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289, (52), 2014, p35806 - 3514
Ben-Sahra I, Dirat B, Laurent K, Puissant A, Auberger P, Budanov A, Tanti JF, Bost F, Sestrin2 integrates Akt and mTOR signaling to protect cells against energetic stress-induced death., Cell Death and Differentiation, 20, (4), 2013, p611 - 619
Lee JH, Budanov AV, Karin M, Sestrins orchestrate cellular metabolism to attenuate aging., Cell Metabolism, 18, (6), 2013, p792 - 801
Morrison-Nozik, A ; Tong, C ; Lee, JH ; Budanov, A ; Karin, M ; Li, J , Sestrin2 is cardioprotective against ischemia/reperfusion injury by promoting LKB1-mediated AMPK activation, FASEB JOURNAL, Joint Annual Meeting of the ASPET/BPS at Experimental Biology (EB), Boston, MA, APR 20-24, 27, FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL, 9650 ROCKVILLE PIKE, BETHESDA, MD 20814-3998 USA, 2013, pp1
Sestrins Link Tumor Suppressors with the AMPK -TOR Signaling Network in, editor(s)Cai Huang , Protein Phosphorylation in Human Health, Nvi Sad, Croatia, InTech, 2012, pp51 - 96, [Andrei V. Budanov]
Lee JH, Budanov AV, Talukdar S, Park EJ, Park HL, Park HW, Bandyopadhyay G, Li N, Aghajan M, Jang I, Wolfe AM, Perkins GA, Ellisman MH, Bier E, Scadeng M, Foretz M, Viollet B, Olefsky J, Karin M, Maintenance of metabolic homeostasis by Sestrin2 and Sestrin3., Cell Metabolism, 16, (3), 2012, p311 - 321
Park, EJ ; Dhar, D ; Lee, J ; Kim, H ; Li, N ; Ali, SR ; Budanov, AV ; Paik, YH ; Iwaisako, K ; Karin, M ; Brenner, D ; Seki, E, IL-6/STAT3-INDUCED MTOR AND AUTOPHAGY SIGNALING IN OBESITY-PROMOTED LIVER CANCER, 62nd Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), San Francisco, CA, NOV 04-08, 54, WILEY-BLACKWELL, COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN 02148, MA USA, 2011, pp388A - 388A
Budanov AV, Stress-responsive sestrins link p53 with redox regulation and mammalian target of rapamycin signaling., Antioxidant & Redox Signaling, 15, (6), 2011, p1679 - 1690
Lee JH, Budanov AV, Park EJ, Birse R, Kim TE, Perkins GA, Ocorr K, Ellisman MH, Bodmer R, Bier E, Karin M, Sestrin as a feedback inhibitor of TOR that prevents age-related pathologies., Science, 327, ( 5970), 2010, p1223 - 1228
Budanov AV, Lee JH, Karin M, Stressin' Sestrins take an aging fight., EMBO Molecular Medicine, 2, (10), 2010, p388 - 400
Lee, JH ; Budanov, AV ; Bier, E ; Karin, M, Sestrin, a novel regulator of TOR-dependent cell growth and metabolism, DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, 68th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Developmental-Biology, San Francisco, CA, JUL 23-27, 331, (2), ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 525 B ST, STE 1900, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-4495 USA, 2009, pp481 - 481
Budanov AV, Karin M, p53 target genes sestrin1 and sestrin2 connect genotoxic stress and mTOR signaling., Cell, 134, (3), 2008, p451 - 460
Kochetkov DV, Il'inskaia GV, Komarov PG, Strom E, Agapova LS, Ivanov AV, Budanov AV, Frolova EI, Chumakov PM, Transcriptional inhibition of human papilloma virus in cervical carcinoma cells reactivates functions of the tumor suppressor p53, Molecular Biology, 41, (3), 2007, p515 - 523
Razorenova OV, Agapova LS, Budanov AV, Ivanov AV, Strunina SM, Chumakov PM, [Retroviral reporter systems for the assessment of activity of stress-induced signal transduction pathways controlled by p53, HIF-1 and HSF-1 transcription factors]., Gene, 350, (1), 2005, p89 - 98
Sablina AA, Budanov AV, Ilyinskaya GV, Agapova LS, Kravchenko JE, Chumakov PM, The antioxidant function of the p53 tumor suppressor., Nature Medicine, 11, (12), 2005, p1306 - 1313
Razorenova OV, Agapova LS, Budanov AV, Ivanov AV, Strunina SM, Chumakov PM, Retroviral reporter systems for the assessment of activity of stress-induced signal transduction pathways controlled by p53, HIF-1 and HSF-1 transcription factors., Molecular Biology, 39, (2), 2005, p286 - 293
Budanov AV, Sablina AA, Feinstein E, Koonin EV, Chumakov PM, Regeneration of peroxiredoxins by p53-regulated sestrins, homologs of bacterial AhpD., Science, 304, (5670), 2004, p596 - 600
Gurova KV, Rokhlin OW, Budanov AV, Burdelya LG, Chumakov PM, Cohen MB, Gudkov AV, Cooperation of two mutant p53 alleles contributes to Fas resistance of prostate carcinoma cells., Cancer Research, 63, (11), 2003, p2905 - 2912
Budanov AV, Shoshani T, Faerman A, Zelin E, Kamer I, Kalinski H, Gorodin S, Fishman A, Chajut A, Einat P, Skaliter R, Gudkov AV, Chumakov PM, Feinstein E, Identification of a novel stress-responsive gene Hi95 involved in regulation of cell viability., Oncogene, 21, (39), 2002, p6017 - 6031
Shoshani T, Faerman A, Mett I, Zelin E, Tenne T, Gorodin S, Moshel Y, Elbaz S, Budanov A, Chajut A, Kalinski H, Kamer I, Rozen A, Mor O, Keshet E, Leshkowitz D, Einat P, Skaliter R, Feinstein E, Identification of a novel hypoxia-inducible factor 1-responsive gene, RTP801, involved in apoptosis., Molecular and Cellular Biology, 22, (7), 2002, p2283 - 2293
Smirnov AS, Ruzov AS, Budanov AV, Prokhortchouk AV, Ivanov AV, Prokhortchouk EB, High constitutive level of NF-kappaB is crucial for viability of adenocarcinoma cells., Cell Death and Differentiation, 8, (6), 2001, p621 - 630
Smirnov AS, Budanov AV, Ruzov AS, Ivanov AV, Prokhorchuk AV, Gnuchev NV, Prokhorchuk EB, A high constitutive level of NF-kappa B is necessary for viability of murine adenocarcinoma cells--possible role of p53, Molecular Biology, 35, (5), 2000, p775 - 782
Neverova ME, Budanov AV, Adamskaia EI, Prasolov VS, Kalinin ME, Construction by using retrovirus vector of recombinant with synthetic bradykinin "gene" for investigations of human gene expression in mammalian cells., Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii meditsinskikh nauk, 5, 2000, p33 - 35
Research Expertise
I am a reviewer papers for different journals including Science, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Communication, Oncogene and many others.
I am a reviewer of grants for Russian Science Foundation.
I meet with Cancer Representative groups from St James hospital to discuss with them the news of cancer research and how the research at TCD can be beneficial for the patients.
Awards and Honours
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation William E. Lower Fellowship Thesis Prize for the Best Publication
Oxygen Club California BASF, Young Investigator Award
International Union Against Cancer, Research Award
FEBS-EMBO International Summer School Spetses; Molecular Mechanisms of Development and Disease, travel award
FEBS Forum of Young Scientists; Protein Structure-Function Trafficking and Signaling; 27th FEBS meeting, travel award
Russian Biochemical Society
American Association for Cancer Research
Genetic Society UK