Recent Publications
An Anatomy of Chinese Offensive Words: A Lexical and Semantic Analysis (Palgrave Macmillan)

An Anatomy of Chinese Offensive Words: A Lexical and Semantic Analysis offers a precise and rigorous analysis of the meanings of offensive words in Chinese. Adopting a semantic and cultural approach, Adrian Tien, Lorna Carson and Ning Jiang demonstrate how offensive words can and should be systematically researched, documented and accounted for as a valid aspect of any language. The book's webpage is here:
Made in Hong Kong: Transpacific Networks and a New History of Globalization (Columbia University Press)

In Made in Hong Kong: Transpacific Networks and a New History of Globalization, Peter Hamilton re-examines Hong Kong as a key node in both the expansion of postwar US-led global capitalism and the revival of Sino-US trade since the 1970s. Drawing on Chinese and English languages sources from Hong Kong, China, the United States, and the United Kingdom, he argues that Hong Kong went from the proverbial rags to riches, not as a ‘tiger’ economy or a British colony, but because its elite Chinese capitalists and academics developed instrumental commercial and educational networks with the United States as it claimed global leadership. In turn, as Deng Xiaoping accelerated China’s reforms from 1978, Hong Kong’s US-educated elites became uniquely positioned to shepherd the mainland’s re-entry into global capitalism and emergence as a top US trading partner. The book’s webpage is here:
Commissioned national report on the Junior Cycle Chinese Language and Culture Short Course

The Chinese Language and Culture short course introduces Junior Cycle students in Irish post-primary schools to the language and culture of China over 100 contact hours. The short course is designed to provide students with basic key skills in order to equip them with a learning base for future Chinese studies. It includes cultural aspects which are integral to successful communication in Chinese. This evaluation report describes the findings of a small-scale study carried out by researchers from TCD and Post-Primary Languages Ireland. The research team visited eleven classrooms in nine schools across Ireland. The report is free to download.
Shaping Modern Shanghai: Colonialism in China’s Global City (Cambridge University Press)

This new volume by TCAS historian Dr Isabella Jackson provides a new understanding of colonialism in China through a fresh examination of Shanghai's International Settlement. This was the site of key developments of the Republican period: economic growth, rising Chinese nationalism and Sino-Japanese conflict. Managed by the Shanghai Municipal Council (1854–1943), the International Settlement was beyond the control of the Chinese and foreign imperial governments. Jackson defines Shanghai's unique, hybrid form of colonial urban governance as transnational colonialism. The Council was both colonial in its structures and subject to colonial influence, especially from the British empire, yet autonomous in its activities and transnational in its personnel. This is the first in-depth study of how this unique body functioned on the local, national and international stages, revealing the Council's impact on the daily lives of the city's residents and its contribution to the conflicts of the period, with implications for the fields of modern Chinese and colonial history.
The Semantics of Chinese Music

Music is a widely enjoyed human experience. It is, therefore, natural that we have wanted to describe, document, analyse and, somehow, grasp it in language. This book surveys a representative selection of musical concepts in Chinese language, i.e. words that describe, or refer to, aspects of Chinese music. Important as these musical concepts are in the language, they have been in wide circulation since ancient times without being subjected to any serious semantic analysis. In this recently published volume by Prof. Adrian Tien (John Benjamins, 2015, 303 pp.), a Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) approach is used to formulate semantically and cognitively rigorous explications. Readers will be able to better understand not only these musical concepts but also significant aspects of the Chinese culture which many of these musical concepts represent. This volume contributes to the fields of cognitive linguistics, semantics, music, musicology and Chinese studies, offering readers a fresh account of Chinese ways of thinking, not least Chinese ways of viewing or appreciating music. This volume represents trailblazing research on the relationship between language, culture and cognition.
Selected Staff Publications
Professor Lorna Carson, Professor in Applied Linguistics
Kwok, Chung Kam & Carson, Lorna, Integrativeness and intended effort in language learning motivation amongst some young adult learners of Japanese, Language Learning in Higher Education, 8, (2), 2018, p265 – 279.
English fever: Problematising English language proficiency testing in South Korea in, editor(s)Minako O'Hagan & Qi Zhang, Conflict and Communication: A Changing Asia in A Globalising World, New York, Nova, 2016, pp1 – 20.
Rose, Heath & Lorna Carson, Focus on East Asia: Language learning and teaching, Language Learning in Higher Education, 4, (2), 2014. Guest edited special edition.
An exploration of the roles of English in societal and individual multilingualism in Korea in, editor(s)Bertoni, Roberto, EurKorea: European Perspectives of Korea, Turin, Trauben, 2014, pp2 – 25.
Carson, L. & Do, E.-J., Establishing a Korean language programme in a European Higher Education context: Rationale, curriculum and assessment procedures, Language Learning in Higher Education, 3, (1), 2013, p151 – 171.
Perspectives on Korea within and from contemporary Europe: The cases of Italy and Ireland. in, editor(s)Bertoni, R., Scorci di Korea/Views on Korea, Turin, Trauben, 2013, pp2 – 13.
Professor Nathan Hill, Sam Lam Professor in Chinese Studies
Hill, Nathan W. (2021). "Two notes on Proto-Ersuic." Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 51.1. pp. 105-114.
Hill, Nathan W. (2021). "The Envoys of Phywa to Dmu (PT126)." Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 60. pp. 84-143.
Hill, Nathan W. (2021). "Scholarship on Trans-Himalayan(Tibeto-Burman) languages of South East Asia." Paul Sidwell and Mathias Jenny, eds. The Languages and Linguistics of Mainland Southeast Asia. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. pp.111-138.
Meelen, Marieke, Élie Roux, and Nathan W. Hill (2021). "Optimisation of the Largest Annotated Tibetan Corpus Combining Rule-based, Memory-based, and Deep-learning Methods." ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 20.1. pp. 1-11.
Hill, Nathan W. and Long Congjun (2021). "Recent Developments in Tibetan NLP." ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 20.2, Article No. 19. pp.1-3.
Dr Lai Yunfan, Research Fellow
Lai Yunfan (2022). "When internal reconstruction goes further: proposing the vowel system of Pre-Khroskyabs through examining bound state apophony." Folia Linguistica 2022.
Gates, Jesse, Sami Honkasalo, and Lai Yunfan (2022). "From transitive to intransitive and voiceless to voiced in Proto-Sino-Tibetan: New evidence from Stau, Geshiza, and Khroskyabs." Language and Linguistics 23.2. pp.212-239.
Dr Ning Jiang, Assistant Professor in Chinese Studies (Linguistics)
Jiang, Ning. (2020). Identity and Chinese fan cultures. In Lu Zhouxiang (ed). Chinese National Identity in the Age of Globalization. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Carson, Lorna, Jiang, Ning., Zhou, Mengqi and Egan, John. (2019). Some perspectives of language learners and teachers on the Junior Cycle Short Course in Chinese Language and Culture Dublin, CLCS, Trinity College Dublin/Post-Primary Languages Ireland
Wu, Weiyi and Jiang, Ning. (2017). IP电影:龃龉”之中艰难前行. 上海电影产业发展报告 上海人民出版社.
Jiang, Ning. (2017). Learner Autonomy in Chinese Learning as a Foreign Language. The 18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA), 23-28 July 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Wu, Weiyi and Jiang, Ning. (2016). Barrage video: Subculture, communicative leisure and emerging digital identity. The 13th Nordic Youth Research Symposium, 15-17 June 2016, Trollhättan, Sweden.
Dr Chung Kam Kwok, Research Fellow
Kwok, C. K. (2018). [Review of the book Being middle class in China: Identity, Attitudes and Behaviour, by Y. Miao]. Irish Journal of Asian Studies, 4: 72-73.
Kwok, C. K., & Carson, L. (2018). Integrativeness and intended effort in language learning motivation amongst some young adult learners of Japanese. Language Learning in Higher Education, 8(2), 265-279.
Kwok, C. K. (2020) Chinese national identities and its English language ideologies. Paper presented at the 2020 Language Policy Forum, University of Cambridge
Kwok, C. K. (2019) Many languages, many ideal L2 selves: motivational differences between learners of Chinese and Japanese. Paper presented at the 52nd British Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Meeting, Manchester Metropolitan University
Kwok, C. K. (2017) Capital and the formation of the Ideal L2 self: the interplay between social context and psychological factors. Paper presented at the 20th Warwick International Conference in Applied Linguistics
Kwok, C. K. (2016) Understanding second/foreign language learners’ motivation using cluster analysis. Paper presented at the annual national conference of the Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (IRAAL), Trinity College Dublin
Kwok, C. K. (2016) The representation of Mandarin Chinese in the Irish press: a corpus-based approach. Poster session presented at the Donostia Yong Researchers International Symposium on Multilingualism, University of Basque Country, Spain.