
Doing the M.Phil. in Chinese Studies has been one of the best experiences in my academic career. The quality of lecturers is really world class and the balance between learning and research is perfect to prepare students for future challenges. Classes are really international, and the presence of Chinese students is a plus to foster cultural exchange. Trinity College Dublin is a vibrant environment where you receive all the support you need to have not only a great academic but also a fantastic personal experience.
在圣三一大学修读中国研究硕士是我在学术事业里最好的经验之一。教学人员具有世界顶级的教学质素。课程中学习和研究的比例得宜,完美地装备学生面对未来的挑战。圣三一大学的课堂十分国际化,就读的中国留学生更有助促进文化交流。圣三一大学里朝气勃勃的环境不但提供学生所需要的学术经验,亦是一个精彩的人生经歴。Federico Vigano, 中国研究硕士学生 (两年兼读制), 2018-2020

For anybody wishing to understand China, the rising superpower set to dominate the 21st century, I would highly recommend the M.Phil in Chinese Studies course at Trinity College Dublin. Through modules on Chinese history, politics, foreign policy, culture and language I gained a 360 degree perspective of this fascinating nation. I would encourage Irish students in particular to undertake this course as we need many more "China hands" in Ireland as the connections between our two countries increase and as China’s political and economic influence grows.
对于任何人希望了解中国这个正在崛起并着手主宰二十一世纪的超级强国,我会极力推荐圣三一大学的中国研究硕士课程。通过有关中国历史、政治、外交政策、文化和语言等课堂,我对中国这个迷人的国家获得全面的认识。我尤其鼓励爱尔兰学生报读这个课程。因为爱尔兰与中国的联系变得更为紧密,中国对爱尔兰的政治和经济影响亦不断增加,所以我们需要更多「中国通」。Neil Monahan, 联合国驻尼日利亚协调办公室演讲撰稿人兼编辑

As a Chinese student, studying Chinese Studies abroad at Trinity College Dublin was a wise choice for me. The study of the humanities and social sciences here requires not only reflection but also objective and critical thinking. Going out of China was precisely the best way for me to deepen my understanding of China.
作为一个中国学生,赴海外在圣三一大学学习中国研究是我的一个明智选择。在这里对人文社科的学习不仅要求结合个人经历,并且要求客观公正的态度和挑战式的思维方式。从一个外部的角度来审视 中国,是一个最好的加深对中国理解的方式。

Doing the M.Phil in Chinese Studies has been one of the best experiences of my life. I was fascinated by the idea of doing Master’s on such a contemporary area in a university with such history and reputation. Our department pulses with the energy of doing something ambitious, unique and new. The teaching body is made up of staff with incredible experience, some working on the newest issues in China. There is an atmosphere of expertise, care and growth.

The M.Phil. in Chinese Studies here at Trinity College provides everything a student could wish for, an academic team always ready to help you grow, and a world of possibilities in the heart of a pulsing city! The course is structured so that students can really challenge themselves in an incredibly stimulating environment. My academic skills have developed greatly, and I have also made exceptional friends here. The team is always available for help. I chose Trinity because it is a research-intensive university, ranked top in Ireland, and I have not been disappointed in any way. The M.Phil. in Chinese Studies offers modules about contemporary China, analyzing different aspects of this great, complex country. One of the best experiences I will ever have!
圣三一大学的中国研究硕士课程为学生们提供了他们所期待的一切。在这里,教学团队会随时给学生们提供帮助; 圣三一大学优越的地理位置,你会发现生活和学习在一个充满活力的城市中心,是有着无限的憧憬和可能性的。这个课程的学习氛围非常棒,你会发现自己在一个催人奋进的环境中,不断挑战自己。通过这个课程的学习,我的学术水平有了很多的提高,并且我在这里交到了很多特别的朋友。我之所以选择都柏林圣三一大学是因为它是一个研究型大学,科研实力很强,并且它在爱尔兰所有大学中排名第一,在全世界也非常有声望。中国研究硕士课程致力于当代中国的研究,从不同方面去学习理解这个伟大却又复杂的国家。在这里的学习经历是我人生中最棒的经历之一。

The M.Phil. in Chinese Studies at TCD was an amazing experience for me. The course opened my mind to different ways of thinking and gave me a deeper understanding of Chinese history, culture, language and art in relation to the wider world. The expertise, energy and enthusiasm of the Trinity Centre for Asian Studies is contagious. I met fantastic people that I never would have met otherwise and it offered me invaluable opportunities for further study, even after I graduated.
I currently run my own business, ArtMaker Dublin, which provides classes, wk1workshops, and art to the public, to cultural institutions and for festivals. I am on the Chester Beatty Museum’s panel of artists and I work for the Dublin Lunar New Year Festival amongst others. I can highly recommend the M.Phil. to anyone wishing to improve their academic skills and deepen their understanding of China and the world.
我现在经营自己的生意:ArtMaker Dublin,为公众、节日和文化机构提供艺术课堂、工作坊。我亦是Chester Beatty Museum博物管的艺术家小组成员,亦曾为都柏林市春节活动工作。我会向希望提升学术能力,以及加深对中国和世界认识的人推荐圣三一大学的中国研究硕士。艺术家 Heather Gray, 2017级中国研究硕士学生

The M.Phil. in Chinese Studies at Trinity was the best choice. During my year of academic training, I learned about key research methodologies and findings in political science, translation, linguistics, cultural studies and Chinese history. Importantly, I have gained a lot from studying in small classes. Not only can I now discuss different topics with professors and classmates deeply, but I can also explore further discussions with confidence. Really good academic atmosphere and a valuable study experience!

The M.Phil. in Chinese Studies at Trinity has been a very meaningful and eye-opening experience for me. I have gained multiple academic perspectives and critical thinking skills. Discussing topics with my peers and professors from many different cultural, educational and political backgrounds has been such a benefit, and given me a new zest for life.
就读圣三一大学的中国研究硕士读程是一个很有意思的经验,而且令我眼界大开。我学会用不同角度观察事物。通过跟来自不同文化、教育和政治背境的同学和教授的讨论,我亦学会批判思考。在这里,我觉得每一天都值得探索。 李兰清 2020级中国研究硕士学生。