Page 90 - Trinity College Dublin - Undergraduate Prospectus 2013

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Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Is this course right for you?
Law is an exciting, dynamic discipline which is constantly
evolving and reacting to social change. It governs every aspect
of our lives, from food labelling and football transfers to elections
and crime. The study of law appeals to people interested
in society, governance and current affairs. If you like to be
challenged and intellectually stimulated then one of our Law
degrees may be for you. A general interest in history and political
developments will be an advantage as many legal modules
cannot be fully appreciated without reference to their historical
and political context. Legal training requires precise and careful
use of language, therefore good writing skills and a facility for
articulate expression are important.
Course overview
Law at Trinity College is a four-year degree programme. The first
two (Freshman) years are given over to the study of core legal
modules (many of which are required by the legal professional
bodies). There is an appropriate balance in the Freshman years
between the academic and practical aspects of law, achieved
through the introduction of legal skills and mooting (mock trials)
programmes, and assisted in part by members of our academic
body with experience of private practice. In your Sophister
(third and fourth) years you can focus on particular areas of law
chosen from a range of approximately 30 modules.
Most of the teaching takes place at lecture level and is
supplemented with seminars (small group teaching in classes of
between 12-15 students). The academic year is divided into two
terms (semesters). In the Freshman years, students take three
modules per semester and a series of legal skills or mooting
seminars and workshops. Each module is taught by three
hours of lectures per week and four seminars per semester. In
the Sophister years students take generally between six and
eight modules (modules are weighted differently in the final two
years, see below) and modules may also be supplemented by
seminars and workshops.
Junior Freshman (first year)
Constitutional law I
The Irish legal system (including Legal skills)
Contract law
Criminal law
Legislation and regulation
Senior Freshman (second year)
Administrative law
Constitutional law II
European Union law
Land law
Private law remedies (including Mooting)