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Engineering, Mathematics and Science
Integrated engineering at a glance
All students in TR032 follow common first and second years. At the end of the second year you will select one of six alternative degrees
as outlined below.
Junior Freshman (first) year
Senior Freshman (second) year
Sophister (third & fourth) years
Lectures – 16 hours per week
Tutorials – 5 hours per week
Laboratory work – 6 hours per week
Lectures – 16 hours per week
Tutorials – 5 hours per week
Laboratory work – 4 hours per week
Engineering mathematics I and II
Series and limits, differentiation, integration,
ordinary differential equations
Vectors, linear algebra, complex numbers,
introduction to probability and inference
Engineering mathematics III and IV
Partial differentiation; Laplace transform;
Fourier series and transform; probability
theory; vector calculus; linear algebra;
optimisation and graph theory
Engineering mathematics
Computer science I
Introduction to computer systems and
software; problem solving, algorithms and
Solids and structures
Mechanics of solids – properties of solids,
stress and strain, failure criteria; applications
Structures – pin-jointed structures; analysis of
beams; design of beams
Management for engineers
Physics –
heat, light and sound, laboratory
Computer science II
Basic concepts of computer programming;
object-oriented programming; classic data
structures; representation and algorithms
Select one of the six
specialisations below:
Biomedical engineering
page 129
Civil, structural and
environmental engineering
page 130
Computer engineering
page 132
Electronic engineering
page 133
Electronic and computer
engineering (joint programme)
page 135
Mechanical and manufacturing
page 136
Experimental methods
This module introduces students to modern
experimental techniques for engineering.
The students gain experience with a variety
of sensors used in engineering systems and
examine the role of error and uncertainty in
measurements and analysis. Exposure to
and experience in using commercial software
for data acquisition and analysis. Provides
experience in working in a team in all aspects
of the laboratory exercises, including set-up,
data collection/analysis and report writing.
Fluid mechanics – principles of fluid motion;
laminar and turbulent flows; pipe flows; free
surface flows
Thermodynamics – mechanical work
processes of closed systems; mass and
energy conservation; heat engines; the
second law of thermodynamics
Statics – Newton’s laws, forces, moments
and couples, equilibrium, analysis of
structures, friction, virtual work, hydrostatics
Dynamics – kinematics and kinetics of
particles and of rigid bodies, simple harmonic
motion and vibration
Analogue electronics – discrete analogue
electronics; linear integrated circuits;
analogue/digital conversions
Digital electronics – combinational logic;
sequential logic; digital circuits
Electricity and magnetism
Electric circuits – electrical quantities,
lumped-circuit elements, analysis of electric
circuits, meters and measurements
Electrical energy systems – AC power
systems, magnetic circuits and transformers,
electromechanics, rotating machines
Electronic analogue and communication
systems – ideal operational amplifier,
introduction to communication systems
Engineering and the environment
To introduce students to the main
environmental issues associated with
engineering activity and to become aware of
public concern about processes which affect
the environment.
To develop the concept of sustainability
in engineering practice and the main
environmental and ethical issues regarding
generation and use of energy.
Graphics and computer-aided engineering
An introduction to the basic principles of
engineering drawing and graphics, drawing
office work, introduction to the use and
practical application of computer-aided
engineering software tools and packages.
Electrical – semiconductors; conduction
processes; p-n junction; semiconductor
Mechanical – manufacture of materials;
microstructure and heat treatment of steel
and alloys
Civil – concrete technology; reinforced and
pre-stressed concrete; timber technology