Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Law and French/German
PLACES 2011:
POINTS 2010:
LL.B. (Ling. Franc)
LL.B. (Ling. Germ)
Special Entry Requirements:
Leaving Certificate
French (TR018)
German (TR019)
Advanced GCE (A-Level)
Grade C French (TR018)
Grade C German (TR019)
See also:
TR004: Law, page 68
TR017: Law and business, page 72
TR020: Law and political science, page 74
Law and French and Law and German are demanding
programmes that give you the opportunity to learn about the law,
language and culture of one of the principal continental civil law
jurisdictions, in addition to receiving a full grounding in Irish and
EU law. Far more is involved than simply attaching a language
component to a law degree. Students study French or German
law, both constitutional and civil, in their first two years. These
law subjects are taught and examined through the relevant
language. The language component of each programme is
integrated so that language skills are developed in the context
of studying the general, as well as the specifically legal, culture
of the country concerned. Each programme is taught over four
years with a compulsory year abroad.
Is this the right course for you?
In addition to a desire to study law, you will need a specific and
strong interest in the general culture, legal, political, economic
and sociological make-up of either France or Germany. You
should also be willing and have the ability to become fluent in
the relevant language.
Visit the Law School
If you are considering studying for a Law degree at
Trinity College but want to be sure, you are most
welcome to attend lectures. If you would like to avail of
this opportunity, to come in and discuss your options
with a member of staff, or to visit the Law School we
would be happy to meet you. Please contact us by
e-mail (see below) to arrange a visit.
Course content
In the Freshman (first two) years you will study a variety of
legal subjects, see below. In each semester, you will have
two Irish law modules, with three hours of lectures in each per
week. These lectures are complemented by compulsory law
seminars (4 per module) and modules in legal skills in the Junior
Freshman (first) year and mooting (mock trials) in the Senior
Freshman (second) year. Law and language students also
study the constitutional and civil law of their chosen jurisdiction.
Alongside their law modules, students take integrated modules
on language and civilisation, covering aspects of sociology,
legal systems and politics. Lectures, tutorials and listening
comprehension work are all involved.
Junior Freshman modules
The Irish legal system
Contract law
Constitutional law 1
Criminal law
Legal skills
French or German language
French civilisation and legal methods or German
area studies
French constitutional law or German legal system
Junior Freshman Law and French students study French
constitutional law and French legal methods through French
as well as French language and civilisation. These two
integrated modules comprise of lectures, tutorials, and listening
comprehension work. They cover language, French society and
the French legal system.
Junior Freshman Law and German students study, alongside
German language and textual analysis, the political institutions
and aspects of society and economy in the German speaking
countries. The course involves an introduction to German
constitutional law and the German legal system, German legal
history and legal philosophy.
Senior Freshman modules
Law of tort
Land law
Private law remedies
Mooting programme
French or German language
French civilisation or German cultural history
French or German civil law
Senior Freshman Law and French students study French civil
law (including property, contract and tort) through French. In
their integrated French language and civilisation modules,
they focus on French politics and the integration of the themes
studied in the first two years.