Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Ancient and medieval
history and culture
PLACES 2011:
POINTS 2010:
See also:
TR001: TSM, page 92
TR003: History, page 61
TR012: History and political science, page 63
Course overview
Ancient and medieval history offers you a unique opportunity
to investigate the cultural and political genesis of Europe by
focusing on the fascinating transition from the ancient to the
medieval world (2000 B.C.-1500 A.D.). In this course you will
be able to trace this extraordinary process through an intensive
study of the art, culture and history of the ancient and medieval
worlds, familiarising yourself with key events, issues and
mentalities. You will be encouraged to pursue an interdisciplinary
approach to your studies, as well as to appraise critically the
art of the period and documentary sources in translation.
Is this the right course for you?
If you want to understand how Europe began to become what
it is today, then this course will be of interest. Also, if you have
a particular curiosity about the way in which cultural, social and
political issues have been confronted by societies in the past,
then this too is the course for you.
Course content
Over the four years you will develop a broad understanding
of the ancient and medieval worlds through an analysis of
their art, architecture, archaeology, culture and history. These
disciplines will be introduced to you in first-year courses, taught
by a mixture of lectures and tutorial discussion groups. As your
studies progress, your courses become more thematically
specialised, with an increasing emphasis on intensive (but we
hope lively) discussion and independent research.
The Junior Freshman year
In the Junior Freshman (first) year you will take a mixture of
courses in Ancient history, Art history and Medieval history,
dividing your time equally between the three disciplines. In total,
there are approximately twelve hours of timetabled study per
week depending on the options chosen.
Ancient history
introduces key aspects of Greek and
Roman art, archaeology, architecture, history and mythology.
Topics covered include the Athenian invention of democracy;
Rome’s emergence as an imperial power; war, conflict and
colonisation; the social context of art and architecture; and
the myths and religions of the ancient world. There is also a
language option for those who wish to learn Latin.
Art history
surveys key developments in painting, sculpture
and architecture. You will be introduced to topics ranging
from the mosaics in the Italian city of Ravenna to the great
cathedral of Chartres in France – but not forgetting too The
Book of Kells in TCD itself.
Medieval history
begins with a survey of Europe between
1000 and 1250, covering the key political, social and
cultural developments of the period, including the growing
importance of kings and kingdoms, and the many conflicts
of the medieval world – including the Crusades.
The second and third years
In the second year all students are required to take the course
Europe, 1250-1500: Religion, death and culture. They also
choose at least one Ancient history module and one Art history
module from a range of modules offered. The remaining
modules may be taken from any of the three disciplines –
including possibilities in Irish, British and European medieval
history, Latin, architectural history and archaeology.
In their third year all students take the interdisciplinary module
on Rome, which is taught by specialists from all three disciplines.
The remaining modules must include at least one module from
each of the three main subject areas. The selection currently
offered includes: The Aegean Bronze Age; Greek archaeology;
Roman archaeology; Roman Britain; Viking raiders; The reign of
Charlemagne; The Crusades; Romanesque art and architecture;
Art in the Age of Chivalry; The Hundred Years War; Renaissance
Florence, c.1348-c.1527; Painting and sculpture in the Italian
Renaissance; and Medieval religion, c.1215-1517.
The Senior Sophister Year
In their fourth year all students are required to write a
dissertation on a topic of their choice. This gives you a chance
both to investigate thoroughly an area that particularly interests
you and to develop independent research skills. Of two further
courses taken, students are free to specialise in an area that
particularly interests them or to maintain a broad base of
courses across the disciplines. Offerings currently include Jews
in ancient Egypt; Sport and spectacle in the ancient world; The
Archaeology of food; Empire and papacy in the eleventh century;
Edward I, Edward II and the Conquest of Britain, 1286-1328;
Medieval Dublin; Medieval warfare; and Irish art in the Golden