General Information
15 A grade D on the ordinary or higher paper in mathematics
and in one of biology, physics, chemistry, physics/chemistry
or agricultural science.
Applicants who have previously been unsuccessful
(academic and/or placement) in any Nursing or Midwifery
programme or have any issues which would affect their
registration with An Bord Altranais will only be considered for
re-entry to Nursing or Midwifery on a case-by-case appeal
basis to the relevant Programme Board. Such applicants
should make their case in writing to the Admissions
Officer and include any relevant details of extenuating
16 This is a restricted entry course, therefore; applications must
be submitted to the CAO by 1 February of the proposed year
of entry. The Adelaide Hospital Society, which is a voluntary
charitable organisation, nominates suitable applicants
each year to the Adelaide School of Nursing. In selecting
applicants, the Society has regard to its particular obligation
to applicants from the Protestant community and also to
members of inter-church families. Applicants will be sent an
additional application form, to be returned to the Adelaide
Hospital Society. On the basis of information provided,
applicants may be called to interview before final selections
are made.
17 This is a restricted entry course, therefore, applications
must be received by the CAO by 1 February of the proposed
year of entry. Mature applicants to Midwifery or Nursing are
NOT required to submit a mature-student supplementary
application form to Trinity College. If you indicate Midwifery
or Nursing as a mature student, the Nursing Career Centre
will invite you to a written assessment.
Applicants who have previously been unsuccessful (academic
and/or placement) in any Nursing or Midwifery programme or
have any issues which would affect their registration with An
Bord Altranais will only be considered for re-entry to Nursing
or Midwifery on a case-by-case appeal basis to the relevant
Programme Board. Such applicants should make their case
in writing to the Admissions Officer and include any relevant
details of extenuating circumstances.
18 A higher level grade C in biology and a higher level grade
C in one of physics, chemistry or physics/chemistry.
19 A higher level grade C3 or an ordinary level grade A2 in
20 A higher level grade C in English and grade D at ordinary
or higher level in a language other than English.
21 Applicants who wish to choose Strand A (see p. 65) must
attain at least grade HC3 in Leaving Certificate Irish or grade
C in A-level Irish. There are no specific course requirements
for Strand B.
22 A higher level grade C3 in mathematics. Also, a grade C1 at
higher level in French or German if selecting French or German,
or a grade B3 at higher level in Irish if selecting Irish.
Course requirements 2012: Ordinary degree and diploma courses
Specific subjects required
Places in
points in
TR801 Dental nursing (diploma)
See notes A and C
TR802 Dental hygiene (diploma)
See note B and C + Restricted entry
TR803 Dental technology (ordinary degree)
See notes A and C + Restricted entry
A Applicants are required to present six subjects, including English, mathematics and one of physics, chemistry, biology, physics/
chemistry or agricultural science.
Of the six subjects presented, two must be of a standard of at least grade C3 on ordinary Leaving Certificate papers. The remaining
four subjects must be presented to a standard of at least grade D3 on ordinary Leaving Certificate papers.
B Applicants are required to present six subjects, including English, mathematics and one of physics, chemistry, biology, physics/
chemistry or agricultural science.
Of the six subjects presented, two must be of a standard of at least grade C3 on higher Leaving Certificate papers. The remaining
four subjects must be presented to a standard of at least grade D3 on ordinary Leaving Certificate papers.
C Applications may also be considered from mature applicants who do not satisfy the academic entry requirements but can
demonstrate appropriate experience relevant to the course.
Applications for restricted entry courses must be submitted to the CAO by 1 February of the proposed year of entry.