Engineering, Mathematics and Science
Students who wish to study Zoology apply to the Science
degree (TR071) and may select Zoology as their specialist
area for the 3rd and 4th years.
Junior Freshman (first) year prerequisites: Biology 1101
and 1102, Mathematics or Mathematicals methods.
Senior Freshman (second year) prerequisites: Biology
BY2201, BY2202, BY2203, BY2208.
For details of the first two years of the Science course,
including entry requirements, see page 139.
What is Zoology?
Zoology is the scientific study of the animal kingdom, along with
its evolution, diversity and environment. This involves building
knowledge of both the structure of different kinds of animals
and how they function, and the complex relationships that
govern how animals relate to each other and their surroundings.
Zoology provides fundamental information on three areas of our
society: the environment, food production and human health.
What will you study?
The course highlights the major concerns of modern zoology in
relation to environmental and medical biology, and introduces
you to cell biological and other analytical techniques, fieldwork
and computer-aided data handling procedures.
Work in the Junior Sophister (third) year provides a broad
overview of zoology and includes core courses in:
Animal behaviour
Developmental biology
Vertebrate form and function
Applied molecular biology
There are also additional options selected from the
environmental or medical zoology programmes.
A major component of the Senior Sophister (fourth) year is the
research project
. In previous years projects have included
parasites in African children, conservation of squirrels, deep
sea fisheries and others on biodiversity, climate change
and pollution. Tutorials in specialist areas are selected from
freshwater biology, marine biology, wildlife biology, evolution
and behaviour, molecular biology, developmental biology and
Career opportunities
Many graduates are pursuing academic and research careers,
in Ireland and overseas. Others have entered the agricultural
and fisheries sectors, the wildlife service, and aid agencies, as
advisers and technical experts and as inspectors and managers.
Trinity College Zoology graduates have furthermore taken up
publishing of wildlife magazines and educational literature,
film making and careers in the media, fish farming, computer
software development, second and third-level teaching, museum
work, tourism, environmental lobbying with organisations
such as Greenpeace, environmental consultancy and wildlife
conservation and management.
Further information
Tel: +353 1 896 1366