Engineering, Mathematics and Science
Course content
Engineering with management at a glance
Students in TR038 pursue an accredited engineering degree. Several of the courses are shared with the larger engineering class,
MSISS and business students but the vast majority are unique to TR038.
Junior Freshman (1st yr): Senior Freshman (2nd yr):
Junior Sophister (3rd yr):
4th and 5th years:
A foundation year that will
introduce you to many
of the basic concepts
in Engineering with
Development of themes in
Engineering and management
introduced in the first year.
Integrates the professional
degree in engineering with
management science.
Final integration of the
professional degrees (B.Sc.
or M.A.I.) in engineering with
Project Work:
Individual and group
projects on designing
new product concepts
and experimental methods.
Project Work:
Design projects introducing
standards in drawing and
design using computer-aided
engineering software tools.
Group and independent
research projects in materials.
Project Work:
Individual and group
design projects integrating
manufacturing, business, and
human factors.
Project Work:
Substantial engineering project
emphasising the integration
of technical and business
solutions. The 4th year project
in the case of the M.A.I.
will be a group design and
build exercise. The final year
project in both cases will be
a substantial project – with
the M.A.I. project accounting
for approximately 50% of the
5th year and having a strong
research focus, and the B.Sc.
final year project accounting
for 25% of the final year.
Engineering themes:
Computer science
Engineering science
Engineering design
Engineering themes:
Mechanics of solids
Fluid mechanics
Engineering design
Engineering themes:
Computer methods
Mechanics of machines
Solid mechanics
Control systems
Failure of materials
Manufacturing technology
Engineering design
Required courses:
Advanced manufacturing
Supply chain management
Engineering options:
Automation and control
Vibrations and acoustics
Fluid mechanics
Mechanics of solids
Selected technical options
Management theme:
Management science
Management themes:
Accounting and finance
Statistical analysis
Management themes:
Project management
Human resource management
Information systems
Operations management
Management options:
Operations strategy
Management science in practice
Strategic information systems
New product development
Work Placement
Students are encouraged
and assisted in finding
suitable vacation work
between the 3rd and 4th year.
Work Placement/Study
A range of formal options
are available – see section
below on ‘Five Year Masters in
There is an optional language course in French or German, with certification, in the Senior Freshman and Junior Sophister (second
and third) years. Both courses continue over the two years.