Engineering, Mathematics and Science
M.A.I. (International – Option 1)
This is offered in collaboration with the European CLUSTER
Programme, a consortium of 12 universities. The student
spends their 4th year abroad and returns to complete their
5th year at TCD. The other partner universities are: Technical
University of Catalonia, Barcelona; Technische Universität
Darmstadt; Technische Universiteit Eindhoven; Institut
polytechnique de Grenoble; Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisbon; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/Université Catholique
de Louvain; Helsinki University of Technology; Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne; Politecnico di Torino; KTH Royal Institute of
Technology Stockholm.
M.A.I. (International – Option 2)
This is offered in collaboration with the UNITECH
Programme, a consortium of 9 universities and 15
multinational corporate partners. Students will spend
one semester in a partner university followed by a
month internship with one of the corporate partners
Partner universities: Chalmers University of Technology,
Gothenburg; ETH Zurich; Loughborough University;
Politecnico di Milano; RWTH Aachen University;
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona.
Engineering at a glance
All students in TR032 follow common first and second years. At the end of the second year you will select one of five alternative
degrees as outlined below.
Junior Freshman (first) year
Senior Freshman (second) year
Sophister (third & fourth) years
Lectures – 16 hours per week
Tutorials – 5 hours per week
Laboratory work – 6 hours per week
Lectures – 16 hours per week
Tutorials – 5 hours per week
Laboratory work – 4 hours per week
Engineering mathematics I and II
Series and limits, differentiation, integration,
ordinary differential equations
Vectors, linear algebra, complex numbers,
introduction to probability and inference
Engineering mathematics III and IV
Partial differentiation; Laplace transform;
Fourier series and transform; probability
theory; vector calculus; linear algebra;
optimisation and graph theory
Engineering mathematics
Computer science I
Introduction to computer systems and
software; problem solving, algorithms and
Solids and structures
Mechanics of solids – properties of solids,
stress and strain, failure criteria; applications
Structures – pin-jointed structures; analysis of
beams; design of beams
Management for engineers
– heat, light and sound, laboratory
Computer science II
Basic concepts of computer programming;
object-oriented programming; classic data
structures; representation and algorithms
Select one of the five
specialisations below:
Civil, structural and
environmental engineering
page 129
Mechanical and manufacturing
page 135
Electronic engineering
page 132
Computer engineering
page 131
Electronic and computer
engineering (joint programme)
page 133
Experimental methods
This module introduces students to modern
experimental techniques for engineering.
The students gain experience with a variety
of sensors used in engineering systems and
examine the role of error and uncertainty in
measurements and analysis. Exposure to
and experience in using commercial software
for data acquisition and analysis. Provides
experience in working in a team in all aspects
of the laboratory exercises, including set-up,
data collection/analysis and report writing
Fluid mechanics – principles of fluid motion;
laminar and turbulent flows; pipe flows; free
surface flows
Thermodynamics – mechanical work
processes of closed systems; mass and
energy conservation; heat engines; the
second law of thermodynamics
Statics – Newton’s laws, forces, moments and
couples, equilibrium, analysis of structures,
friction, virtual work, hydrostatics
Dynamics – kinematics and kinetics of
particles and of rigid bodies, simple harmonic
motion and vibration
Analogue electronics – discrete analogue
electronics; linear integrated circuits;
analogue/digital conversions
Digital electronics – combinational logic;
sequential logic; digital circuits