Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
In the Junior Freshman year, students take three introductory
modules in geography:
Physical geography:
provides a basic introduction to the
large-scale controls and processes that have influenced the
physical landscape of the earth, and that have provided the
conditions for the evolution of a variety of life forms, species,
habitats and ecological systems including those that led to
and subsequently influenced human existence.
Human – Environment:
introduces key concepts relating
to nature, culture and the environment, and interactions
between humans and their environment, using case studies
from the fields of conservation, environmental degradation
and environmental hazards.
introduces the subjects of global urbanisation,
the socio-spatial structure of the world economy and the
processes generating variations and changes in levels of
human well-being. It also examines aspects of globalisation
including the realities of living in a ‘shrinking world’ and
the emergent ‘black holes of globalisation’, as well as
considering the nature of development.
Participation in lectures and seminars is in line with other TSM
subjects. Certain practical exercises are completed outside the
allocated class time.
The Senior Freshman (second year) geography modules cover
issues relating to cultural, economic and historical geography,
and to natural and human-modified environmental processes
and systems. Research skills are developed further through
the collection and analysis of geographical data module which
includes a fieldwork component.
The Sophister years
For details of modules in the Junior and Senior Sophister (third
and fourth) years, see page 149. Students may also opt to take
a number of modules outside Geography in their Sophister years.
A combination of continuous assessment and end-of-year
examination is used.
Study abroad
There are opportunities for students to spend all or part of the
third year studying abroad at Exeter, Bordeaux, Paris, Utrecht
or Stockholm universities.
Career opportunities
A wide range of career options is potentially available to
Geography graduates. The combination of a broad-based
discipline and training in highly relevant transferable skills is
valued in today’s job market, where adaptability and flexibility
are widely regarded as assets. Careers taken up by graduating
Geography students in recent years include urban and regional
planning, environmental consultancy and research and teaching
as well as positions in such areas as financial services (including
insurance), foreign affairs, leisure and tourism and overseas
Did you know?
In recent years, Sophister year Geography
students have been involved in fieldwork in Iceland,
Mallorca and Zambia, and in making digital video
documentaries as part of their assessed work.
Further information
Tel: +353 1 896 1576