Professor Patrick Deasy

Professor Patrick Deasy

Fellow Emeritus, Pharmacy

3531896 2784

Publications and Further Research Outputs

  • AAPS Journal, 6, 51, (2004), M. Lane, C. Landowski, P. Deasy, J. Quigley, G. Amidon and O. CorriganJournal, 2004
  • International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 278, 2, (2004), 391 - 406p, H.M. Kelly, P.B. Deasy, M. Busquet and A.A. TorranceJournal, 2004
  • H.M. Kelly, P.B. Deasy, E. Ziaka and N. Claffey, Formulation and preliminary in vivo dog studies of a novel drug delivery system for the treatment of periodontitis, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 274, 2004, p167 - 183Journal Article, 2004
  • S.R. Levis and P.B. Deasy, Use of coated halloysite for the sustained release of diltiazem hydrochloride and propranolol hydrochloride, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 253, 2003, p145 - 157Journal Article, 2003
  • S.R. Levis and P.B. Deasy, Characterisation of halloysite for use as a microtubular drug delivery system, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 243, 2002, p125 - 134Journal Article, 2002
  • V. A. Tolmachev, T. S. Perova, E. V. Astrova, B. Z. Volchek and J. K. Vij, Vertically etched silicon as 1D photonic crystal, Physik Status Solidi (a), 197, 2003, p544 - 548Journal Article, 2003
  • R. S. Byrne and P. B. Deasy, Use of porous aluminosilicate pellets for drug delivery, Journal of Microencapsulation, 22, (4), 2005, p423 - 437Journal Article, 2005
  • The numerical solution of a moving boundary problem in two dimensions with applications to drug delivery systems, 24, 2, (1993), 124 - 132p, Eamonn Kenny, [eds.]Journal, 1993