Research Projects

The principal investigators in the School of Natural Sciences have conceived, led and/or supervised over 300 competitively won research projects since 2000. This has resulted in more than 200 PhD theses and 62 post-doctoral positions during that time.

Funding and support for our research has come via competitive international awards from the European Commission (especially the Framework Programme, Horizon 2020, and Marie Skłodowska Curie), The European Research Council, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, the Belmont Forum, INTERREG, LIFE+, COST, NASA, and the Wellcome Trust.

Nationally, we have been successfully awarded funding for numerous research projects from Research Ireland, the Irish Research Council, the Irish Environmental Protection Agency, the Geological Survey of Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, The Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, Teagasc, and the Marine Institute.

PI’s in our School continue to lead in the advancement of knowledge of the natural sciences with generous support from industries and institutions, through the Nature+ initiative, through benefactors and philanthropists, and through collaboration with citizens, NGOs and communities globally.

Research Projects

Irish Funders

Research Projects

International Funders

Researchers in the School of Natural Sciences are interested in future national and international collaborations on both public and privately funded research, should you wish to discuss a potential collaboration please contact the School’s Research Officer at