Research Ethics
The School of Natural Sciences follows Trinity's university-wide policies for Research Ethics. Updated research policies can be found Here
Outline of Application, Submission and Review Process:
1. Who needs to apply:
- All research is subject to ethical scrutiny. However, only research involving human participants or their data or research involving animals requires ethical approval.
- Animal research requires approval through the Animal Research Ethics Committee.
- All staff and research projects.
- From 2025, all UG and PGT dissertation research projects will be required to secure approval through REAMS. For academic year 2024/25, the school will continue to use local processes through the relevant dissertation module coordinators.
2. When do you need to apply:
- There are rolling application dates throughout the academic year.
3. When can you expect a response:
- Low to medium risk applications that can be considered at School level have a 15 working days processing time.
- Medium to high-risk research may be assigned to the Faculty REC. Timeframe for response to these applications is determined by the Faculty committee.
Please note:
Proposed research must be compliant with data protection regulations and may be assigned to the Data Protection Office for review. Timeframe for response to these applications is determined by the Data protection office.
Research Ethics Application Management System (REAMS)
Trinity is now processing all Ethics applications through the REAMS.
Click here to access information about REAMS
Staff will find further breakdown of the ethics application process via the Research Supports Page on the School Sharepoint Site.
SNS Research Ethics Committee (REC)
Chair - Susan Murphy (Geography)
Cian O'Callaghan (Geography)
Pete Akers (Geography)
Matt Saunders (Botany)
Steve Waldren (Botany)
Peter Nolan (Zoology)
Nick Payne (Zoology)
Sean McClenaghan (Geology)
Mary Kerrigan (Research Office) Committee Secretary