In 2013, Dr. Sean Harrison McClenaghan, BSc., MSc., PhD., PGeo was appointed to the Assistant Professor position in Economic Geology in the Department of Geology, Trinity College Dublin. Sean has been an active researcher in mineral deposits geology for 15 years, with a wide range of professional experience in governments, academia and the exploration industry. He is an expert on the trace-element geochemistry of hydrothermal systems, in particular Pb-Zn massive sulfide deposits. Focussed research has taken advantage of the most up to date, state of the art analytical techniques available (e.g., Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Laser-Ablation ICP-MS) with the goal of dissecting ore-forming systems. Classic research streams have focussed on the form and distribution of Au in volcanic and shale-hosted massive sulfides as well as dissecting high temperature feeder zones in the search for useful trace-element vectors. Some of his more recent work has focussed on the trace-element systematics of hydrothermal apatite in large Zn-Pb deposits. Through the course of this research, Sean elucidated controls on Rare Earth Element (REE) transport and deposition, revealing anomalous signatures in phosphate minerals. Practical industry-directed studies have focussed on the analysis of ores, concentrates and waste tailings with the goal of optimizing production. Much of the research output detailed here has focussed on the application of advanced geochemical techniques to the exploration (vectoring) for Pb-Zn deposits and development of ore resources. In the coming years, focus will be directed towards applying this advanced research expertise on Irish ore systems with the goal of fostering knowledge, exploration and development of Ireland's mineral wealth.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
- Dehnavi, A.S., McFarlane, C.R.M., Lentz, D.R., McClenaghan, S.H., Application of in situ LA-ICP-MS systematics for quantitative volatile trace-element measurement in sulfide minerals: Case study of massive sulfide deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada, , Mineral Resources: Discovery and Utilization, Proceedings of the 14th Quadrennial International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits Symposium, Kunming, China, August 19-22, 2014 , 1, International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, 2014, pp3Conference Paper, 2014
- Riegler, T. and McClenaghan, S.H., Authigenic potassic silicates in the Rathdowney Trend, southwest Ireland: New perspectives for ore genesis from petrography of gangue phases in Irish-type carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposits, Ore Geology Reviews, 88, 2017, p140-155Journal Article, 2017, DOI , URL
- Kamber, B.S., McClenaghan, S.H., Drakou, F., Taking apart a highly zoned Pb-Zn-Ag-Cu-Au orebody using mineralogy and mineral chemistry: implications for mineral processing, Konferens i Mineralteknik, 2018, 2018, pp1-11Conference Paper, 2018
- Turner, O., Hollis, S., Guven, J., McClenaghan, S.H., Establishing a geochemical baseline for the Lower Carboniferous stratigraphy of the Rathdowney Trend, Irish Zn-Pb orefield, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 196, 2019, p259-269Journal Article, 2019, DOI
- Turner, O., McClenaghan, S.H., Trace-element variation in pyrites within the Derryville ore body, Lisheen mine, Ireland, Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Quebec, Canada, 23 August 2017, 2017, pp689 - 692Conference Paper, 2017
- Dehnavi A.S, McFarlane C.R.M, Lentz D.R, McClenaghan S.H, Walker J.A, Chlorite-white Mica Pairsâ composition as a micro-chemical guide to fingerprint massive sulfide deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada, Minerals, 9, (2), 2019Journal Article, 2019, DOI , URL , TARA - Full Text
- Remi Coltat, Yannick Branquet, Pierre Gautier, Hector Campos Rodriguez, Marc Poujol, Ewan Pelleter, Sean McClenaghan, Gianreto Manatschal, Philippe Boulvais, Unravelling the root zone of ultramafic‐hosted black smokers‐like hydrothermalism from an Alpine analog, Terra Nova, 31, (6), 2019, p549-568Journal Article, 2019
- Qing Sun, Xiaobo Zhao, Chunji Xue, Reimar Seltmann, Sean H. McClenaghan, Yangjie Li, David T.A. Symons, Neoproterozoic tectonic shift from collisional orogenesis to intraplate extension in the Yili Block, southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Zhou, Lingli, Riegler, Thomas, Bonnetti, Christophe, McClenaghan, Sean, Kamber, Balz, Revisiting the Happy Jack Uraninite Reference Material: A Combined Electron Beam and Laser Ablation In Situ Study, GEOSTANDARDS AND GEOANALYTICAL RESEARCH, 46, (4), 2022, p735 - 749Journal Article, 2022
- Sabina Strmi" Palinkaš, Frida Riple Forsberg, Rolf Birger Pedersen, Håvard Hallås Stubseid, Seán H. McClenaghan, Jorge E. Spangenberg, Metallogenic model of the Lykling ophiolite-hosted lode Au deposit, Scandinavian Caledonides: Insight from fluid inclusions, mineral chemistry and stable isotope geochemistry, Ore Geology Reviews, 173, 2024Journal Article, 2024, URL
- McClenaghan, S.H., Lentz, D.R., Fyffe, L.R., Chemostratigraphy of volcanic rocks hosting massive sulfide clasts within the Meductic Group, west-central New Brunswick, Exploration and Mining Geology, 15, (3-4), 2006, p241-261Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- MacLellan, K.L., Lentz, D.R., McClenaghan, S.H., Petrology, geochemistry, and genesis of the copper zone at the Brunswick No. 6 volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada, Exploration and Mining Geology, 15, (3-4), 2006, p53-75Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- Walker, J.A., Lentz, D.R., McClenaghan, S.H., The Orvan Brook volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit: Anatomy of a highly attenuated massive sulfide system, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Exploration and Mining Geology, 15, (3-4), 2006, p155-176Journal Article, 2006, DOI
- McClenaghan, S.H., Lentz, D.R., Cabri, L.J., Abundance and speciation of gold in massive sulfides of the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada, Canadian Mineralogist, 42, (3), 2004, p851-871Journal Article, 2004
- T. Ucar, S.H. McClenaghan, D.R. Lentz, Alteration and mineralization features of the Akcal Epithermal Gold Deposit, Biga Peninsula, Western Anatolia, Turkey: Evidence for low-sulfidation Au-Ag-Sb mineralization, Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 2024Journal Article, 2024, URL
- Gisbert, G., Tornos, F., Losantos, E., McClenaghan, S.H., Pons, J.M., Videira, J.C., Brodbeck M., Vectors to ore in replacive volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits of the northern Iberian Pyrite Belt: Major and trace element mineral chemistry, Ore Geology Reviews, 147, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Sun, Q., Zhao, X., Xue, C., Seltmann, R., McClenaghan, S.H., Chu, H., Wang, M., Two episodes of Late Paleozoic mafic magmatism in the western Tianshan Orogen: From Carboniferous subduction to Permian post-collisional extension, Gondwana Research, 109, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Brodbeck, M., McClenaghan, S.H., Kamber, B.S., Redmond, P., Metal(loid) Deportment in Sulfides from the High-Grade Core of the Bingham Canyon Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Deposit, Economic Geology, 117, 2022Journal Article, 2022
- Yu, B., Zeng, Q., Frimmel, H.E., Zhou, L., McClenaghan, S.H., Drakou, F., Wang, Y., Chen, P., Yu, Magmatic-hydrothermal origin of the Xinfang gold deposit, Liaodong Peninsula, China, revealed by in-situ S"Pb isotopes and trace element analyses of pyrite, Resource Geology, 71, (2), 2021Journal Article, 2021
- Bing Yu, Qingdong Zeng, Hartwig E. Frimmel, Jinhui Yang, Lingli Zhou, Foteini Drakou, Sean H. Mcclenaghan, Yongbin Wang, Ruiliang Wang, The genesis of Xindian gold deposit, Liaodong Peninsula, NE China: Constraints from zircon U"Pb ages, S"Pb isotopes, and pyrite trace element chemistry, Resource Geology, 72, (1), 2022Journal Article, 2022
- McClenaghan, S.H., Intra-Granular Distribution of Energy Critical Elements in Sulphide Minerals: Resolving Paragenesis and Resource Potential Through Laser Ablation ICP-MS, Proceedings of the 15th Quadrennial Symposium of IAGOD, 15th Quadrennial International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, Salta, Argentina, August 28-31, 2018, edited by Daniel Rastelli, Dolores Álvarez, Noelia Iannizzotto, Ines Korzeniweski, Cintia Marquetti,Feliciano Pagnanini, Javier Peroni, Susana Segal , 15, IAGOD, 2019, pp292 - 293Conference Paper, 2019
- S.H. McClenaghan, Volcanic Shale-Hosted Massive Sulphides in the Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada: A sedimentary perspective, Proceedings of the 15th Quadrennial Symposium of IAGOD, 15th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium, Salta, Argentina, August 28-31, 2018, edited by Daniel Rastelli, Dolores Álvarez, Noelia Iannizzotto, Ines Korzeniweski, Cintia Marquetti,Feliciano Pagnanini, Javier Peroni, Susana Segal , 15, IAGOD, 2019, pp346 - 347Conference Paper, 2019
- Brodbeck, M., Redmond, P., Kamber, B.S., and McClenaghan, S.H., Trace Element Deportment across Porphyry Dike Generations in the Bingham Canyon Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au Deposit, Proceedings of the 15th Quadrennial Symposium of IAGOD, 15th Quadrennial Symposium of IAGOD, Salta, Argentina, August 28-31, 2018, edited by Daniel Rastelli, Dolores Álvarez, Noelia Iannizzotto, Ines Korzeniweski, Cintia Marquetti,Feliciano Pagnanini, Javier Peroni, Susana Segal , 15, IAGOD, 2019, pp244 - 245Conference Paper, 2019
- Stratford, J.P., McClenaghan, S.H., Geochemical paragenesis of pyrite associated with orogenic gold at Curraghinalt, Northern Ireland, Proceedings of the 15th Biennial SGA Meeting, 15th Biennial SGA Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom, August 27-30, 2019, 15, Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, 2019, pp655 - 658Conference Paper, 2019
- McClenaghan, S.H., Drakou, F., Riegler, T., Resolving the paragenesis of gold at the Avoca VMS deposit: implications for exploration in Caledonian terranes of southeast Ireland, Proceedings of the 15th Biennial SGA Meeting, 15th Biennial SGA Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom, August 27-30, 2019, 15, Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, 2019, pp244 - 247Conference Paper, 2019
- Coltat, R., Boulvais, P., Banquet, Y., Pelleter, E., McClenaghan, S., Manatschal, G., What does resemble the root zones of serpentinite-hosted black smokers: insights from an Alpine analogue, Proceedings of the 15th Biennial SGA Meeting, 15th Biennial SGA Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom, August 27-30, 2019, Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, 2019, pp60 - 63Conference Paper, 2019
- Riegler, T., McClenaghan, S., Drakou, F., Thomas, H., Wanhainen, C., Bark, G., Bauer, T., Petrographic and mineralogical study of the Kilmacoo gold occurrence, Avoca District, southeast Ireland, Proceedings of the 15th Biennial SGA Meeting, 15th Biennial SGA Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom, August 27-30, 2019, 15, Society for Geology applied to mineral Deposits, 2019, pp323 - 326Conference Paper, 2019
- McClenaghan, S.H., Lentz, D.R., Martin, J., and Diegor, W.G.,, Gold in the Brunswick No. 12 volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada: evidence from bulk ore analysis and laser ablation ICP-MS data on sulfide phases, Mineralium Deposita, 44, 2009, p523 - 557Journal Article, 2009
- McClenaghan, S.H., Lentz, D.R., and Beaumont-Smith, C.J., The gold-rich Louvicourt volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, New Brunswick: A Kuroko analogue in the Bathurst Mining Camp., Exploration and Mining Geology, 15, 2006, p127 - 154Journal Article, 2006
- McClenaghan, S.H., Lentz, D.R., and Diegor, W.G., Rare earth element variations in volcanogenic massive sulfides, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick: evidence from laser ablation ICP-MS analyses of phosphate accessory phases, Association of Applied Geochemists, 24th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, Fredericton, 2009, edited by D.R. Lentz, K.G. Thorne, and K.-L. Beal , 1, 2009, pp181 - 184Conference Paper, 2009
- McClenaghan, S.H., Lentz, D.R., and Powe, E.M., Distribution of Cu-rich massive sulfides at the Brunswick No. 12 deposit, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick., 24th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, Fredericton, 2009, edited by D.R. Lentz, K.G. Thorne, and K.-L. Beal , 1, Association of Applied Geochemists, 2009, pp507 - 510Conference Paper, 2009
- Pilote, J.-L., Barr, S.M., Wilson, R.A., McClenaghan, S.H., Kamo, S., McNicoll, V.J., and Bevier, M.L., Precise age and petrology of Silurian-Devonian plutons in the Benjamin River - Charlo area, northern New Brunswick, Atlantic Geology, 48, 2012, p97 - 123Journal Article, 2012
- McClenaghan, S.H., Lentz, D.R., and Walker, J.A., Back-arc basin constraints and the role of extension in the formation of Ordovician volcanogenic massive sulfides, Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada, Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, 8th Biennial SGA meeting, Beijing, 2006, Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, 2006Conference Paper, 2006
- Gold in massive sulfide deposits, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick: Distribution and genesis in, editor(s)Goodfellow, W.D., and McCutcheon, S.R. , Massive sulfide deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick and Northern Maine, Littleton, Colorado, The Economic Geology Publishing Company, 2003, pp303 - 326, [McClenaghan, S.H., Goodfellow, W.D., and Lentz, D.R.]Book Chapter, 2003
- McClenaghan, S.H., Walker, J.A., and Lentz, D.R., Trace-element contents of base-metal concentrates from the Caribou Mine, Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick: Implications for the recovery of indium from mill products., Department of Natural Resources; Minerals, Policy and Planning Division, 2010, p1 - 27Report, 2010
- Zhong S., Seltmann R., Zhu J., McClenaghan S., Editorial: Accessory mineral geochemistry and its application in mineral exploration, Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023Journal Article, DOI , URL
- McClenaghan, S.H., Humby, P.L., Kavanagh, R., 'EIT Raw Materials RM @Schools Raw Materials Handbook and Toolkit Teaching Materials', EIT Raw Materials, Online, EIT Raw Materials, 2023, -Digital research resource production
- DA Copeland, SH McClenaghan, SJ Piercey, 9th year Assessment Report on Diamond Drilling, Lithogeochemistry, Pulse EM Surveying and Linecutting on Licence 8183M, South Tally Pond Property, Rogerson Lake Area, Newfoundland and Labrador, NTS 12A/10 and 12A/07, Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey Assessment File A, 12., Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, 2008Report
- McClenaghan, S.H., Drakou, F.D., Deportment of precious metals in sulphide minerals of the Caribou Zn-Pb-Ag(Au) VMS deposit, Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada: Paragenetic Implications for multi-phase pyrite growth, Industry Report - Trevali Mining Corporation, iCRAG, 2018Report
- McClenaghan, S.H., Characterization of Gold in massive sulphides of the Murray Brook deposit: petrographical update, Industry Report - Travali Mining Corporation, iCRAG, 2018Report
- McClenaghan, S.H., Commercial Feasibility Report: Sort Ore Proposal, Enterprise Ireland, 2018Report
- McClenaghan, S., Stratford, J., Micro-Scale Analysis of Au-associated Sulphides to provide System Constraints and Exploration Vectors across the Irish-Scottish Caledonian Orogen, Industry Report - Dalradian Resources, iCRAG, 2017Report
- McClenaghan, S., Stratford, J., Technical report to Dalradian Gold Ltd. A petrographic and geochemical study of the Curraghinalt Gold Deposit, Industry Report - Dalradian Resources, iCRAG, 2020Report
- Brodbeck, M., McClenaghan, S., Report Quebrada Blanca Drill Core Sampling August 2018 Teck Core Facilities, Pozo Almonte, Chile, Industry Report - TECK, iCRAG, 2018Report
- Brodbeck, M., McClenaghan, S., Preliminary Report - February 2019 South American Porphyry Research, TECK Resources Ltd., Industry Report - TECK, iCRAG, 2019Report
- Brodbeck, M., McClenaghan, S., Geochemical Report - August 2020 Precious Metal and Energy-Critical Element Deportment in Cu ores from the Quebrada Blanca Deposit TECK Resources Limited, Industry Report - TECK, iCRAG, 2020Report
- Brodbeck, M., McClenaghan, S., Report La Fortuna/Relincho Drill Core Sampling August 2018 NuevaUnión Core Facilities, Vallenar and Relincho Camp, Chile, Industry Report - TECK, iCRAG, 2019Report
- Brodbeck, M., McClenaghan, S., Final Report of metal deportment at the Relincho and La Fortuna porphyry deposits for Nueva Union, Industry Report - TECK, iCRAG, 2020Report
- Stratford, J., McClenaghan, S., Visible gold confirmed at the Cloonacool Occurrence, Ox Mountains, Ireland, Industry Report - Bowpark Exploration Ltd., iCRAG, 2018Report
- Stratford, J., McClenaghan, S., Final technical report to Bowpark Exploration Ltd: A petrographic and geochemical study of the cloonacool gold prospect, Industry Report - Bowpark Exploration Ltd., iCRAG, 2020Report
- Stratford, J., McClenaghan, S., Geochemical paragenesis of pyrite associated with orogenic gold and Curraghinalt, Northern Ireland, Industry Report - Dalradian Resources, iCRAG, 2019Report
- McClenaghan, S., Resolving the Paragenesis of Precious Metals in the Avoca District: Implications for late Orogenic gold at Kilmacoo Co Wicklow, Geological Survey of Ireland Short Call Report, Geological Survey of Ireland, 2019Report
- McClenaghan, S.H., Thorne, K.G., Rogers, N., Granite-related mineralization and alteration in the Acadian Plutonic Belt: Implications for Sn-W-Mo-Cu exploration in central New Brunswick., Field Guidebook B1, Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada, May, 2014, 85Report
- McClenaghan, S.H., 'Geology of the Benjamin River area (NTS 21 O/16h), Restigouche County, New Brunswick', Plate 2012-1, New Brunswick, Department of Natural Resources; Minerals, Policy and Planning Division, 2012, -Map, GIS map
- McClenaghan, S.H., 'Geology of the Charlo River area (NTS 21 O/16g), Restigouche County, New Brunswick.', Plate 2012-2, New Brunswick, Department of Natural Resources; Minerals, Policy and Planning Division, 2012, -Map, GIS map
- Zagorevski, A., Rogers, N., van Staal, C.R., McClenaghan, S.H., and Haslam, R., Tectonostratigraphic relationships in the Buchans area: A composite of Ordovician and Silurian Terranes, Report 07-1, St. John's, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources, Geological Survey, 2007, 103, 116Report
- McClenaghan, S.H., and Al, T., Environmental geochemistry, reclamation, and remediation techniques as applied in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Association of Applied Geochemists, 2009, p1 - 126Report
Research Expertise
My research encompasses a wide range of mineral deposit types with a general focus on trace mineral vectoring. This is applied through geochemical and isotopic analysis of materials with the aim of identifying elemental variations, which demonstrate an observed trend towards mineralization. Within these dynamic environments, we can determine the physiochemical processes controlling dispersion of elements along mineralized trends as well as in the near-surface environment where deposits may be hidden under deep profiles of alluvium, peat and soil; recent projects have investigated geochemical and isotopic vectors in glacial till, soils, peat and vegetation. This geochemical vectoring research approach is currently being applied to a range of mineral deposit types around the world, including porphyry Cu-Mo, volcanogenic massive sulphides (Cu-Pb-Zn), Banded Iron Formations, Carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn, and Orogenic Au systems. Complimentary work has also focussed on the occurrence of Critical Raw Materials (CRM) in a wide range of these mineral deposit systems and their associated waste tailings and spoils. Research projects have been initiated on this CRM research worldwide through targeted Trinity-iCRAG projects and international collaborators. The initiation and continued operation of our Raw Materials Characterization Laboratory features Laser Ablation ICP-MS instrumentation that facilitates much of this research and that of iCRAG users, as well as attracting collaboration from around the globe with research partnerships developed with Norway, Sweden, Spain, Poland, France, Turkey, Tunisia, Iran, Canada, U.S.A., Chile, China and the U.K. Supporting research into the development and use of analytical standards are vital to the continued growth of our Trinity facilities and competitiveness, globally. Altogether, this holistic approach to geochemical dispersion around mineral deposits is unique and not typically encountered in mineral deposit research programs. This research programme is consistent with current global research trends, and relies upon continued innovation within the analytical facilities at Trinity College.
TitleResolving the Paragenesis of Gold in Co. WicklowSummaryGeological Survey of Ireland Short Call Funding for a project investigating the setting of gold at the Avoca VMS depsosit, SE Ireland.Funding AgencyGeological Survey of IrelandDate FromSept 2018Date ToSept 2019
TitleNovel geochemical methods for mineral exploration in Irish peatlandsSummaryThe terrain in which geologists explore is becoming more mature. With most of the near surface (easy-to-find) deposits discovered, exploration geologists are now focussing their attention towards "blind deposits" buried beneath peatland, thick glacial overburden and barren cover rock. Refinement of existing exploration techniques and development of new analytical methods are required to advance exploration the next level. Conventional soil geochemical surveys in Ireland have employed Aqua Regia and Multi-Acid extraction/digestion techniques in their analytical methodology. These methods have been highly successful in delineating mineralisation in the British and Irish Isles; however, in peatland settings, conventional geochemistry is known to produce spurious results. This research is developing criteria for geochemical exploration in Irish peatlands making use of techniques such as Ionic Leach, Enzyme Leach, and biogeochemistry as well as state of the art instrumentation. These novel methods, which have not been widely used in Ireland, are increasingly being employed globally to detect blind deposits and have great potential for success in the peatlands of Ireland.Funding AgencyIrish Research CouncilDate From2014Date To2016
TitleRaw Materials CharacterizationSummaryCharacterisation of Raw materials across a range of mineral deposit types, worldwide. iCRAGFunding AgencyScience Foundation IrelandDate FromSept 2015Date ToSept 2019
TitleCopper Mountain Ore CharacterizationSummaryCharacterization of PGEs in sulphides from the Copper Mountain Porphyry depositFunding AgencyHudBay Minerals Ltd.Date FromJan 2024Date ToAugust 2024
TitleCharacterising dispersed metal plumes in surficial soils and sediments in the Irish Midlands: Using isotope fingerprints to develop vectors in mineral explorationSummaryFingerprinting the dispersion of metal, trace-element and stable isotopic (Zn, Pb, Cu, Fe) signatures in vegetation, soil and glacial tills overlying Pb-Zn deposits. Three-dimensional modelling of the metal plume features a chemical profile reconstructing the full isotopic pathway from metal deposit to soil. Characterizing the metal and isotopic haloes surrounding carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposits and within their overlying sediments has wide applications for the Irish Midlands and glacial terranes, worldwide.Funding AgencyEuropean Union - Marie Curie FrameworkDate From2014Date To2017
TitleBioleachSummaryBioLeach: Innovative Bio-treatment of Raw MaterialsFunding AgencyEIT Raw Materials
TitleERAMiN II Gold InsightSummaryUsing microanalytical tools to resolve the setting of precious metals in complex structural terranes.Funding AgencyERAMIN/ERANET - GSIDate FromSept 2018Date ToSept 2021
TitleRM@Schools Raw Materials HandbookSummaryDevelopment of a Raw Materials Handbook for European Secondary School Teachers.Funding AgencyEIT Raw MaterialsDate FromSeptember 2018Date ToSeptember 2019
Environmental geoscience, Environment and resource economics, Exploration geochemistry, Mineralogy and crystallography, Resource geoscience,
- John F.H. Teed, Q.C. Memorial Prize in Science 1993
- Barlow Memorial Medal 2008
- MA Trinity College Dublin 2022
- William Harvey Gross 2014
- W.J. Wright Graduate Fellowship 2003
- Magee Third Century Postgraduate Merit Award 2005
- Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Undergraduate Award 1993
- Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits Division Present
- Atlantic Geological Society 2014
- Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum 2014
- Irish Association of Economic Geologists - IAEG Present
- International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits - IAGOD Present
- Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits 2022
- Society of Economic Geologists - SEG Present
- Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Present
- The Mineralogical Society - MinSoc Present
- Editor Gangue Newsletter, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada 2012-2014
- President - International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits 2019 - 2023
- Peer Reviewer of papers for Minerals, Mineralium Deposita, Ore Geology Reviews, Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 2010-Present
- Test Bank Contributor for Pearson Publishing 2013-2014
- Council Member Irish Association of Economic Geology - IAEG 2015 - 2019
- Ex Officio Council Member Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits - SGA 2019 - 2023