Planned improvements for 2022-2028
The School of Natural Sciences will enhance equality, diversity, and inclusion through 36 targeted actions, including raising EDI awareness, improving gender balance among students and staff, and fostering a more inclusive culture within the School. A few actions are highlighted below, and the full action plan for the period 2022 to 2028 can be found below.
Development of school level induction packages for all staff and research students
Surveys (2020 and 2022) have revealed that more male (63-79%) than female (41-64%) staff were offered induction by the institution and that the central College induction was not sufficient for some staff. In response, the School of Natural Sciences will develop and pilot a comprehensive, standardised School-level induction for all staff and postgraduate research students to compliment the central College induction.
Better communication, increased transparency and belonging
Surveys have revealed that many academic, research and professional staff of both genders find that transparency in the School needs improvement. Moreover, staff and postgraduates suggest that the different disciplines in the School could interact and collaborate more. To increase communication, foster a sense of belonging and provide insight into workload and School governance the School will introduce a school newsletter, hire a communication officer, have town hall meetings twice per semester and facilitate regular cross-disciplinary and cross-location meetings.