Postgraduate Research Students

To explore possibilities for postgraduate research toward an MSc or PhD degree please visit our research page and contact the relevant research group.

Following an agreement with a potential supervisor, an application to register must be made. Please read the application procedures.

Masters by Research opportunities

School of Natural Sciences is embarking on a new post-graduate Masters by Research (MSc) programme that will train graduates to be able to raise and answer fundamental questions required to address ongoing issues experienced by our planet. These include sustainability, evolution of earth history, biodiversity, and climate change.

This new two-year programme seeks highly motivated applicants who are self-funded or have access to research funds. More information on available topics is available here.

Research Studentships

Students applying to the research register can be considered for a limited number of New Entrant Awards. Please read the how to apply for the research register.

For specific project studentships please discuss current opportunities and relevant studentship applications with the prospective research group leader.

Students already on the research register see here for more information.

Taught Masters Courses

The School currently offers five taught Masters Courses:

Register your Interest!