Welcome to Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TRiSS) the unifying location for social science research in Trinity connecting our world class social science researchers across multiple disciplines for the purposes of collaboration.
TRiSS News and Events

Bitesize Discussion and Pizza: The US Election 2024, Wed 13 November, 1pm
Join us on Wed 13 Nov, 1pm, at the TRiSS Seminar Room to take part in a Q&A session and discussion on the US Presidential Election 2024.

Bitesize Talk and Pizza: Technology and Society, Wed 1 November, 1pm
Bitesize Talks and Pizza are back! Join us on Wed 1 Nov, 1pm, at the TRiSS Seminar Room to hear a snapshot of social science research projects.

TRiSS Travel Bursaries
Reminder, the deadline for TRiSS Travel Bursaries is Friday 20 October, 5pm

TRiSS Research Fellowships 2023/24
Congratulations to our 2023/24 TRiSS Research Fellowships awardees!

Prof Tannam's OpEd in Irish Times
Read the OpEd by Prof. Etain Tannam on the Windsor Framework in the Irish Times

IRC Research Ally Awards
Congratulations to the TRiSS academics who were presented with an IRC Research Ally Award

Young Irish Economists hold inaugural session October 6 2022
Xidong Guo will be the first speaker for the YIESS series. He will present his paper "Assessing the Outcome of the 2008 Consultants’ Contract Reform in Ireland.

TRiSS Scholar wins Young Economist Award
Laura Muñoz Blanco was awarded the 2022 EEA Young Economist Award for her paper on the relationship between child/early marriages and natural disasters

TRiSS Fellowship Awards 2022/23
Congratulations to the academics and postgraduate students who have been awarded a 2022/23 TRiSS Fellowship

Dermot McAleese Teaching Awards 2021/22
Well done to TRiSS winners and nominees of the Dermot McAleese Teaching Awards.

TRiSS New Fellows
Congratulations to all the TRiSS affliated Fellows announced on Trinity Monday.

€3.8m funding secured by Economics Dept
Trinity economists, in collaboration with colleagues in Queen’s University Belfast, have been awarded €3.8 million to establish an All-Ireland Centre of Excellence in Economics, History and Policy.

TRiSS Director celebrated at Trinity Innovation Awards
Click here for details.