I am Mike Clark, the Director of Campus Infrastructure at Trinity College Dublin.

Mike Clark's photoI’d like to thank you for taking the time to look at our new website and I want give you a brief overview of the work of the Estates & Facilities Department.

Many universities are like a small town; they have their own distinct character and also require a supporting infrastructure to make sure that all runs smoothly.

In Trinity’s case, it’s the Estates & Facilities Department and we number some 370 staff and are responsible for a broad range of services.

The University’s estate has a built area of approximately 327,000 square metres and for comparison, that’s about one and a half times larger than the Empire State Building!

We have a highly skilled workforce who maintain buildings that are centuries old as well as those which are more modern and ‘state of the art’ and have been delivered under the direction of our internal project management team.

A lot of the work of the Campus Services and Premises Services teams is finished before the College community starts their working day, and our Security team keeps the students and staff safe, as well as dealing with the many visitors the College receives throughout the year.

We have updated our web-site to provide you with access to a wide range of information that will help you understand in more detail, the workings of the Department and more importantly, how you get the support you need, when you need it!

Our website has dedicated areas for:

I trust that you will find our new website a rich and useful source of information about the Department, and I welcome any suggestions for new content and improvement, and thanks again for taking a look – we have lots going on!