Expert Survey Results from 47 Countries, 2003-2004


Kenneth Benoit, Department of Political Science, Trinity College, Dublin

Michael Laver, Department of Politics, New York University, New York




Available for download:


Summary data: means, SDs, N for parties in 47 countries (388KB). Stata 9.0 format. Version: 1 Feb 2006.  (also: SPSS portable format)

Detailed respondent data (10MB). Stata 9.0 format. Version: 1 Feb 2006. (also: SPSS portable format)



Forthcoming book:


Benoit, Kenneth and Michael Laver. Forthcoming 2006. Party Policy in Modern Democracies. London: Routledge.





Research on this project was supported by the Institute for International Integration Studies at Trinity College, Dublin and by the Domestic Structures of European Integration project funded by the 5th Framework programme of the European Commission (project number SERD-2002-00061). Kenneth Benoit was also supported by a Government of Ireland Research Fellowship in 2002-2003.



Keywords: Expert surveys, party policy, left-right positions, political competition