A warm welcome to the Department of French, Trinity College Dublin. The Department is part of the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies.
New TCD ProspectusThe new TCD Prospectus is now online. Please click here for further information

Posthumanism and the Art of Multiplicity:A Symposium and two Book Launches.
This symposium organised by Department of Drama in collaboration with the Department of French, will take place on Wednesday 20th September from 4:30-8:30. Click for more details.

Conference - Representations of Origins in Enlightenment Thought.
This conference, organised by Dr James Hanrahan (Trinity College Dublin), and Professor Jean-Luc Guichet (Université de Picardie Jules Verne) will take place from the 29th - 30th June 2023. Click for more details.

Third Annual Barbara Wright Memorial Lecture
The third Annual Barbara Wright Memorial Lecture in French Studies will take place on Wednesday 24th May at 4pm and will be delivered by Professor Ségolène Le Men (Professor Emerita in Art History, University of Paris Nanterre) - click here for more information.