Year/4th Year 2004/05
Office hours 10-11 on Tuesdays. Room 3021 Arts Building
E-mail: pmassey@compecon.ie
Web: www.compecon.ie
Department of Economics and the Law School jointly run this course. The subject
matter concerns the interpretations and implications of competition law together
with an economic analysis of competition and regulatory policies. The course
concentrates on Irish and European Community Law but also refers to the
evolution of antitrust law in the United States.
course is examined by assessment (20 per cent) and a three-hour examination (80
per cent) at the end of Trinity Term. The assessment for BESS students will take
the form of an individual project, which must be submitted by Tuesday 30th
March 2004. BESS Faculty students must submit two typed copies of their projects
to Francis O'Toole. A deadline extension can only be granted if an appropriate
medical certificate is submitted promptly. (In exceptional cases, BESS (Law)
students may be allowed submit a law (economics) project; both lecturers
must be informed in such cases.) In
the final examination paper, all students must answer four questions including
at least one question (from approximately four) from the economics section and
at least one question (from approximately four) from the law section.
An Overview of Welfare Economics & Concepts of Competition in Economics
Horizontal Restraints of Trade: Oligopoly and Tacit Collusion
To access lecture notes click here.
should have regular access to at least some of the following books:
S. & M. Walker, The Economics of EC Competition Law: Concepts,
Applications and Measurement, Sweet & Maxwell, 1999.
J. & L. White (eds.), The Antitrust Revolution: Economics, Competition and
Policy, Oxford University Press, Foruth Edition. 2004.
S., Industrial Economics: Economic Analysis and Public
Policy, MacMillan, 1994.
P. and Daly, D., Competition and Regulation in Ireland The Law and
Economics, Oak Tree Press, 2003.
Competition Policy: A Game-Theoretic Perspective, Cambridge
University Press, 1995.
F & D. Ross, Industrial Market Structure & Economic Performance,
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990.
R., Competition Law,
Butterworths, Fifth Edition, 2004.