Taught M.Phil in Classics
DPTHH-CLAS-1F09 (full-time)
DPTHH-CLAS-1P09 (part-time)
Coordinator: Dr Shane Wallace

Is this course for me?
The Taught Masters in Classics at Trinity College is designed both for those who are already fully trained in the Classical languages, and for those who have completed non-language based degrees. The course aims to provide students with a grounding in postgraduate research skills in Classics and to hone the analytical, written, and verbal communication skills that are highly valued and effective in careers outside the university and education sectors. While the Research Skills modules offers instruction in the methodologies and approaches to the study of the ancient world, the Taught modules and the Dissertation offer students the opportunity to begin to specialise in a particular strand of Classical scholarship, literary, philosophical, historical or archaeological. The Taught Masters thereby provides an essential basis for further research in the discipline.
See more details on the main courses website
Course Structure
Full-time option
Taken as a full-time course, the M.Phil. lasts for 12 months, starting in September. Teaching is spread over 24 weeks from September to the following April. Students are expected to be resident in Dublin working on their M.Phil. dissertation until the end of June (Statutory Term). The course consists of a combination of compulsory and optional components that together make up the 90 ECTS expected for full-time study over one academic year at Masters Level.
Part-time option
Students taking the course on a part-time basis do so over two years. Part-time students must pass taught modules carrying 40 credits, including the compulsory module CL7004 Classics Research Skills (20 credits), in their first year in order to progress to the second year. In their second year they must pass taught modules carrying 20 credits and submit the dissertation by 31st August.
Compulsory Components (50 ECTS)
Taught Module Options (40 ECTS)
Students take 40 credits comprised of EITHER
one elementary ancient language (20 ECTS over 2 semesters) plus one taught module (10 ECTS) per semester
Two taught modules (2 x 10 ECTS) per semester
Three taught modules (3 x 10 ECTS, two in one semester, one in the other semester), plus Modern Greek for beginners (10 ECTS over 2 semesters)
a) Language Courses (20 ECTS) – all year
- CL7051 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS)
- CL7052/3 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS)
- CL7071 Elementary Latin (10 ECTS)
- CL7072/3 Elementary Latin II (10 ECTS)
- Modern Greek (10 ECTS)
For students who have previously studied Greek and/or Latin, a range of author- and topic-based 10 ECTS modules will also be available. In 2023/24 such modules will (subject to final confirmation) include: Greek Drama; Latin Comedy; Herodotus; Greek Philosophy; Latin Epic; Greek Epic; How to be Happy; Catullus and Cicero; Latin Historians; Senecan Tragedy; Informal Latin; Hellenistic Poetry. Students are permitted to choose a maximum of three such language modules, or one language module (10 ECTS) and one year-long Beginner’s language module (20 ECTS), but they must choose at least one taught Seminar topic (10 ECTS) from the list below.
b) Seminar Topics (10 ECTS) – one term
Michaelmas Term 2024/25:- HH7011 Saving the Past (Dr. Christine Morris)
- CL7045 Desire and the Body from Catullus to Seneca (Prof. Monica Gale)
- CL7046 Unlocking Sacred Landscapes: Cypriot Sanctuaries and Religion from Prehistory to Late Antiquity (Dr. Giorgos Papantoniou)
- CL70XX Early Christianity (Dr. Rebecca Usherwood)
- CL7015: How to be Happy (Dr Ashley Clements)
- CL7020 The Eternal City: the Archaeology of the City of Rome (Dr Hazel Dodge)
- CL7017 Goddess of the Ancient Mediterranean (Prof. Christine Morris)
- CL70XX After Alexander: Hellenistic Athens from Macedon to Rome (Dr. Shane Wallace)
- CL70XX Pop Classics (Dr Charlie Kerrigan)
- CL70XX Hellenistic Poetry (Dr. Martine Cuypers)
- CL7047 Homer and the Canons of Antiquity (Prof. Ahuvia Kahane)
- CL7021 Curiosity and Crisis in the Late-fifth Century: Receptions of the Sophists (Dr Ashley Clements)
- CL7046 Passages to Late Antiquity (Dr. Rebecca Usherwood)
- CL7023 Classics and European Identity (Selected staff from the Classics Department)
- CL7030 Gender and Genre in Augustan Poetry (Prof Monica Gale)
- CL7040 The Art of Editing (Prof Anna Chahoud and Dr Boris Kayachev)
- CL7041 The Usable Past: Imagining and Consuming the Aegean Bronze Age (Dr Christine Morris)
- CL7044 Roman Hellenism (Prof. Anna Chahoud)
- CLXXXX Classics Now (Dr. Ashley Clements)
- CL7034 Greeks and Barbarians (Dr Shane Wallace)
- CL7042 The Argonautic Tradition: Mythography, Poetry, History and Art (Dr Martine Cuypers)
Awards and Scholarships
Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships are awarded to high calibre students from non-EEA countries to study in Ireland for a period of one year. They provide a €10,000 stipend towards living costs and Trinity provides a full fee-waiver to recipients for one year. Further information is available here https://www.tcd.ie/study/international/scholarships/postgraduate/goi/
All applicants will automatically be considered for the following internal awards:
- The Constantia Maxwell Faculty Studentship, with a value of 3000 euro, is usually offered to a student in any of the School's MPhil programmes.
- The School of Histories and Humanities also offers one bursary of 1000 euro, to be deducted from the course fees, for each of its MPhil programmes.
Awards will be made on academic merit. All completed applications with an unconditional offer by the deadline of June 30th will be considered for the internal awards.
Bursary in Cypriot and Greek Archaeology: Following an Award by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports of the Republic of Cyprus for the project ‘Fostering Cypriot and Greek Studies in Ireland’ we are delighted to offer a bursary of €1000 (towards the cost of tuition fees) for a student registered on the M.Phil. in Classics. Priority will be given to candidates with a background in Cypriot and/or Greek Archaeology and planning to pursue their interests in any of these areas.
All applicants will automatically be considered for the following internal awards:
- The Constantia Maxwell Faculty Studentship, with a value of 3000 euro, is usually offered to a student in any of the School's MPhil programmes.
- The School of Histories and Humanities also offers one bursary of 1000 euro, to be deducted from the course fees, for each of its MPhil programmes.
Awards will be made on academic merit. All completed applications with an unconditional offer by the deadline of May 31st will be considered for the internal awards.